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    SW., Calgary

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Cutthroat Trout

Cutthroat Trout (6/10)



  1. spending time in the meaty section of fly tying...
  2. Wolfie

    Maol Leaches?

    Listen lad...if you persist in getting personal, I can release info in regards to your lack of sense, but why..not necessary for ppl to know certain things about you, now do they...and yes I do remember meeting you at fishtales..and more than likely meet up with you again at the up coming show..anyway..you have a long way to go , but in the mean time have a great Xmas........cheers..Wolfie
  3. Wolfie

    Maol Leaches?

    well I could rip you apart young fellow and set you back into grade school, however..what I said is quite true..maybe you have but most likely you haven't taken those species , with each doing as you posted..for in reality there is No given way a fish will take it's prey by specie of fish to give man an actual statistic method..just like you ..do you open your mouth each time and speak in a logical mature manner..not from the posts of yours I've read..but that's you, and like the fish, it will take it's prey in whatever manner it chooses for that moment. ..and to answer you in regards to "Go back to every other forum and get off this one!"..lad..until you mature enough to speak properly, if I were you, I'd not threaten with words you could not uphold.. ..but as always, this is the season to be jolly....ho ho ho..
  4. Wolfie

    Maol Leaches?

    what a load of rubbish...by the sound of your post, you haven't been at it to long now have you..been fishing predator fish for quite a few years, including the Muskie and cudda, and until you have taken each one of these fish in the manner you have posted, I suggest you quite posting other ppl's thoughts...
  5. Wolfie

    Maol Leaches?

    ..this is the style I've been stocking up for bulls/and sea run dollies...in various colours,however, this particular one has taken quite a few ,shall I say over 23" browns when then sun goes down...
  6. ..just curious PGK...have you used the same large flies , say 4" up for the 'dollies' as well, thinking that even up there [not been there myself], the dollies would surely show themselves for some of those tasty morsels...
  7. why not have a "Material Swap"........way better and things you can get....
  8. bait fishing....hahaaaa...what you created is called a Valdi Worm but without using a pink condom as the entire body calls for..and what do you call a 'dry fly' if it is not bait...hahaaa!
  9. whip finish just 5-7 turns depending on size of fly..then finish the head off with whatever I prefer and in these days...UV varnish from Wales..excellent finish..and this is done either for myself or others...Wolfie
  10. the pics of the yotes are great..too bad I wasn't with you at that time, for my Wolf Nantuc now becoming more mature would certainly make quick kills of both of them..good practice for her for when the parents arrive...
  11. Wolfie

    The Morning

    Hmm...just think it's odd that a 22.5" trout would weigh 4-5 lbs..more like 2-3 lbs sounds more realistic..unless this fish was a very deep/thick football of a fish...
  12. you should try a different colour ..try claret/black..and both sizes are productive...
  13. this 'leech' you have tied is one of the most used flies in BC stillwaters..and I've taken fish in the bow with them time and time again...what size is it..#10 or #12?
  14. you tell him Mike...plus..he can eat the bird after he finishes skinning it!
  15. thanks all..was down at Southbow yesterday, and Mike sent me a pm telling me he had some put aside for me...thanks again for ur help...Wolfie.
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