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Everything posted by iamfrontosa

  1. nice fish!
  2. +1 for castuserraticus. i just hope the economy will get better for oil/gas workers out there. like most, im sickin tired of sitting at home aimlessly not knowing when the next project is going to come by.
  3. awesome pics
  4. i hope this idiot is a member of this forum, and is reading this.
  5. awesome ! i wish you can take ma fishing someday. j/k
  6. nice !
  7. Just a thought, if the section of the watercourse was a result of land corrosion (oxbow is one example) or man-made watercourse diversion (dam), these sections of water would not comform to the riparian laws, therefore we would actually be walking on the landowners' land.
  8. sweet !!
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