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Everything posted by lovetolaugh35

  1. hello everyone- just an update, I won a secondary prize in the contest - $250 at Bass Pro - which is awesome ! I am excited - it combines my two favorite pastimes - shopping and fishing! Thanks for all your support - I know that I could not have done it without your help! Cheers vicki
  2. Wow - how do i thank each of you. You have all made me feel so supported! From the first vote from my cousin Sue, to the last from my friend David - and everyone in between - I feel blessed. I know I could not gotten and stayed in the top 10 - without the help of this forum and the great members who voted day in and day out. I truly love fishing - so I am winner regardless, just having that type of passion and enjoymnet in my life. But right now I feel beyond incredible - just knowing I had so many people behind me! Last night, I could not wipe the smile off my face - and I still cant!!!! Thank you - new friends!. I will keep you all posted on the final results! Now I am going fishing!!!! lol vicki
  3. Aw - thanks Wolfie - thanks so much And major thanks to everyone on the forum - I know this has been a group effort - and for that I am so thankful. I am stilll not solidified in the top 10 - as you can see its super close and its going to come down to the wire. lol. Would appreciate one final day of votes from you. Much obliged. Have a great day everyone - and tight lines! http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/view.php?entry=321 Thanks again!!!!!
  4. thanks Wolfie - I hope so too. The last 7 spots are really close - thanks for your continued support!
  5. Wolfie - thanks so much -and sorry for the delayed response. I was in Victoria! Really appreciate your support!!! And also thanks to everyone else too! 5 days left!!!! Please keep voting as much as you can! http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/view.php?entry=321 Appreciate all your help! Vicki
  6. Awesome - thanks wolfie! Yes - i am all over the place. The contestants are really kicking it up a notch. I go from 4th to 6th every day it seems. hahahaha. But alli want is top 10 - thenthe judges can decide - and win or lose, I have had a blast. Its amazing where generosity and support come from sometimes - its been so awesome! Please keep voting - only a week and a half left!!! Appreciate your help!!!!! http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/view.php?entry=321 Hope you like the video!!!!
  7. thanks Hemingway! major thanks! Is the name after the brand - or the poet fisherman Ernest - or maybe in essence both? Ernest Hemingway - The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad. (that was my story last weekend. lol Thanks again. and please keep voting!
  8. Hi there - asking you to keep voting - the numbers are getting very intensely close between 4th place and 10th place. So, please keep this fishergirl in the race! Appreciate your help!!!!! http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/view.php?entry=321 Hope you like the video!!!!
  9. Thanks so much - yes Wolfie, I caught - but then did not land - a couple rainbows this weekend. Deeboo totally agree on the song - it was the perfect fit for the video. Thanks everyone!
  10. From a contestants team? Like you mean a contestant or someone who is voting for them? Did you get a ton of bad comments? I only got a few but they were more 'sexual' in nature - just sort of rude. I never thought of asking where they came from - I probably dont want to know. hahahaha.
  11. Wow Michelle - you rock. I appreciate you letting me ride your 'coat tails' - you have been a rock through this and totally fun to compete against. I sent out a press release to a couple radio stations and I heard that 660 picked it up. It was about all three calgarians being in the top 10 - so I hope it generated a few votes for us and Craig. Thats the only radio station that I thinkpicked it up - but its something. Again - thanks. Hey, if we dont win - or even if we do, we should plan a fishing day! And please everyone keep voting for your fisher girls! Only two weeks left! And thanks so much for your enthusiasm and commitment to this - its been so much fun!
  12. Wow Michelle - you rock. I appreciate you letting me ride your 'coat tails' - you have been a rock through this and totally fun to compete against. I sent out a press release to a couple radio stations and I heard that 660 picked it up. It was about all three calgarians being in the top 10 - so I hope it generated a few votes for us and Craig. Thats the only radio station that I thinkpicked it up - but its something. Again - thanks. Hey, if we dont win - or even if we do, we should plan a fishing day!
  13. Dont think so - its so funny - I have had three people ask if I am related to someone they know - and I have not beed related to any. Who knew the last name Warwaruk was common????? lol Thanks everyone - and keep voting for this fly fisher girl!!! Much appreciated.
  14. Oh and tech and webbie - same to you - thanks so much!!!!!
  15. No, I know some tims - tim horton for example - but I am not married. Thanks for yuor vote - and yes Wlfie - very cool - thanks again!
  16. You must be 'Jay' that gave me the tip - super appreciate it! I am so excited. The alta girls are gonna kick butt - thanks to all of you!
  17. Thanks Michelle - again, just trying to keep up! Lol. I know, there as some great info on here. I am so excited you are #1 and passed Ashley - yahoo!!! Thanks all for the votes - its all abot staying in the top 10 - and yuo can vote for both of us with no IP issues - so please keep the Alta girls in!!! good luck Michelle - I would be very happy to be second to you! lol
  18. LOL - thanks so much Andy. I am Vicki - and I appreciate your support. I posted a forum as well - hoping I can keep up with Michelle (who is kisking serious butt) and you can vote to keep both Calgary fishergirls in the top 10. Again - thanks!!!!!
  19. Hi there - I am hoping that there is enough room for two Calgary fishergirls to be in the top 10 for the WTN adopt an angler contest. I love fishing - always have - and I can't tell you how much it would mean to me to have the opportunity to be eligible to win this contest. So, please vote for me at: http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/view.php?entry=321 Appreciate all your help in advance - and keep voting! Vicki PS - Michelle - you are awesome - I loved your write up - I voted for you too! Awesome to have another lady who loves fishing!
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