Hello everyone,
Thank you for your support for the three of us in the contest. Without you we would not have achieved this success.
Now we are in the last 3 voting days and need extra support, especially Dustin to get into the top 10.
Vicki: http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/view.php?entry=321
Dustin: http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/view.php?entry=607
Michelle: http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/view.php?entry=352
I have it from good authority that there are some cheaters in the top 10 that will be removed so Dustin still has a good chance.
I put in my votes every day for all of us! If you do the same then we can make a serious dent in the competition! Ashley has a TV interview today so tonight I expect her votes to skyrocket. Let's show them! The best way to get more votes is to pass on the links to all that you know and ask them to vote 8-10 times per day as well.
I am so proud to be a new Fly Fisher! Ha, just with my rod and a piece of wool right now but Fly Fisher just the same, he,he.
Thank you all and have a great fishing day!