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Posts posted by Leroy

  1. I am new to this board so this may have already been covered, but I have a question. Do many of you use feet hair for dry flies?

    There has been several articles lately about using it, but I just never have. i have checked with several friends who tell me it floats as well if not better than CDC and it can be dressed. I have read the Usual is a take off of the old Haystack and both of those patterns were the forerunner of the Comparadun patterns we use now.

    Anyway I sure do plan to give this material a good test when the season opens.

    I sure would be interested to know some of your experiences with hares feet.



  2. I have been out of town all weekend tying or I would have answered this sooner. The new show is to be aired in April. At least that is the goal. Washing State University, where we film, has not had the budget money to edit. We are told now it is about half completed and April is still the goal.

    Thanks for watching the show. it is always nice to know someone is watching and enjoying what we are foing.

  3. I was wrong in my first post. I found the old bobbin, still in the origional box with instructions, and it is a D.H. Thompson Apex Fly - Tyer's Bobbin.

    The price is even still on the box $4.50. I looked for a date on the instructions, but there is no date listed.

    Hope this helps.

  4. I was wrong in my first post. I found the old bobbin, still in the origional box with instructions, and it is a D.H. Thompson Apex Fly - Tyer's Bobbin.

    The price is even still on the box $4.50. I looked for a date on the instructions, but there is no date listed.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Thanks to all you members for the kind words about the show Fly Tying the Anglers Art.

    I also very much enjoyed meeting several you you at Spruce Meadows this year.

    Again I thank you for all the encouraging words about meeting me and what I am trying to do with my fly tying.

    Hope to see you all again sometime.

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