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Chironomid (2/10)



  1. The actual documentary is really well done too. check it out if you get the chance.
  2. I used GPX last year and had great success with it. just picked up Sharkskin so i guess i will have to see what it is all about. But would definitely recommend GPX to anyone.
  3. I thought the way its layed out and the articles are more geared at the regular guy who doesnt have a bunch of money to go to crazy exotic locals and get 5-star food and lodge...just people who are passionate about fishing.
  4. I dont know if any of you have seen this but it is a pretty sweet online fishing mag. The reason they do it online is to save paper . Aimed at a younger genereation which is good to see for us young guys. http://www.thisisfly.com/
  5. Everyone looks like they brought in hauls. I picked up some Sharkskin and a patagonia sst jacket. Oh yeah and a new tying vise and tools(beginner *hit but still amazing!!) Looks like its gonna be a great year. Hope everyone has a happy holiday season.
  6. Thanks for tha info Max...
  7. Thats what i figured...still going to get somethin reel nice for my 6wt though. but in the meantime the 2550 is going to be just fine.
  8. Billingsgate and North Sea Fish market.
  9. Need some opinions here people...Looking at a new reel for my 6wt. I already have a sage 2550 for my 5wt and was wondering what people thought of other reels out there Abel, Voessler, Bauer, Orvis at the same price range. Have looked at some bauers and some orvis and they look nice but thought i would get the skinny on some other ones. Also in the mean time can i rock my 2550 on my 6wt??
  10. Aesop Rock has mad lyrical skillz. Definitive Jux puts out tons of good music.
  11. Has anyone had a chance to check this movie out? The new trailer they have for the Bristol Bay conservation looks so amazing as well. If anyone has seen this vid some feedback would be great.
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