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  1. I was introduced to the Bullshead about 10 years ago by a great guy on this forum(hawgstoppah) and since then I have been coming from Saskatchewan every spring and fall. I have met so many nice fisherman but Jeff and I hit it off right from the minute I met him. I fished with him a few times and had everything in common, I also have daughters, live to fly fish. We shared a lot on our tailgates at the BHR from AAA hockey, girls, kids, our best flies, ol' mill, beef jerky. I was hoping to see him next week when I came down and didn't see this thread until yesterday!! I never talk on forums always just used it as an ice off for the Bullshead. I wanted to show Jeff my secret fishin' holes but with great sadness I guess I can't. I haven't been out the last couple years as I battle mental illness and have been fishing closer to home . But I couldn't wait to get Alberta bound and I too always looked for his truck. I always tried to be the 1st n the parking lot in the morning and the last truck to leave. I always told him when in doubt try the brown woolybugger !! It was kinda our joke. Jeff was a great fisherman, and even better friend in the little time we fished together. I couldn't wait for him to tease me about my new red truck because I also drove a beat up 4by4 full of fly gear and stickers. We wanted to start a website called "Back roads and Rednecks". for guys like us!! He will be missed and today I fish my home waters with a very heavy heart and will have an Ol' mill for my friend. Vaughn(WLYBGR)
  2. Brian, Good for you, you are a great guide and flyfisherman, and a helluva nice guy as well!! Hope it goes well, you deserve it. WLYBGR.
  3. WOW!! If I knew RandyS and the Sask boyzz were the only flyfisherman skilled enough to catch them fine BHR Brookies, I wouldn't have kept that stringer of the last dozen brookies!! And I almost feel bad for putting the Alberta Prov. record Brookie above the fire place. I even got the worm I used stuffed as well. It still hangs out of that big, beautiful brookies mouth. Oh ya but there aren't any in there, anyway!!!The cool part- besides worms I only ever use WOOLYBUGGERS!! This is FUN!! C-YA in the spring!WLYBGR>
  4. HI bloom, same guy is my guess. Rick goetz !!! I met him in the jaw couple years back. We traded some flies and stories. I was supposed to meet up and fish with him this summer but I was too busy doing other plans. I would like to get to his trout festival this year in cypress hills. What are the stillwaters you fish in southwest sask? or are they secret? If so, no problem!!WLYBGR.
  5. Hi rickr. It snowed here today at least 10-12inches(no exaggeration) which means fly fishing is pretty much done for another season. So I guess I have no shortage of time to here about your S.SK. trips over the next 6 or 7 mths. I plan on fishing Battle creek area next year. I usually go to Crow or Bow and I met a guy from Maple Creek, he said Cypress Hills is awesome! So, I guess on the way to BHR I have to check out my own stomping grounds as well. I have been to Bulls about 20-25 times since 2004. I recognize a few faces from the pics on this forum. WLYBGR.
  6. Taco, I will put it back on next yrs. list. AGAIN! Did you ever fish 5 mile dam, south of Gull lake. Supposed to be a fantastic stocked( big rainbows) little res. I didn't get there yet. Can't get the truck to pull off the road on the way to Alberta. So much water so little time!!!!!! WLYBGR.
  7. Hi, SanJuanWorm(thanks) Hi taco, The gentleman that taught me flyfishing about 10-12 yrs. ago is in his 70's and he fished there lots but that was years and years ago. I haven't but every year its on my list. I just never get there. Did you happen to be fly fishn or spin with a worm. Pretty tight for a fly rod? I have heard of some big brookies come out of that little creek!! WLYBGR.
  8. Hi, I have been reading this forum for awhile. Great stuff! Im WLYBGR from Moosejaw,SK. I work at BuffaloPoundProv.Park. I flyfish daily for pike and walleye but put thousands of miles every year since 2004 fishing mostly Southern Alberta and few trips each year on the Bow. Amazing fishing and real nice(helpful) people on the water. I fly fish mostly bamboo rods and old pflueger reels. Really enjoy Alberta(cant beat the mountains). Special hello for an old guide I've had 1\2 dozen times (Hawgstoppah)I think he goes by now. If Im not mistaken. Been to BACKING LAKE lately!!! Anyway just wanted to say HI and I enjoy your forum. WLYBGR.
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