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Posts posted by FlashGordon

  1. nice job there guys,i got three days in so far this year and even tho i am seeing fish i haven't had anything hit the hook


    hmmm well i got the stink off today one bow at 23 and another at maybe 16 or bit smaller,lost a cpl as usual

    got out with andy and he slammed a few in the 20 range....indie ninja


    then who comes flyin over the bank but max and his buddy mike ...i'm guessin his spidey senses were tingling and he zoomed in on the spot...anywho they are there about 20 mins worth of fishing and mike caught one around 21 and max lost a friggin pig and landed another as andy and i were leavin....awesome!


    very good day...it's even more rewarding when you fish these winter conditions and also on the plus side the days are gettin longer

  2. just be sure to roll (loosely)the pontoons rather than fold them,especially if it has the vinyl aircells which i think the fishcat does....if it has urethane aircells it's not so much an issue but either way being folded for long periods of time will cause creases to form and thus a possible weak or worn point....

    this is best care scenerio....i'm sure you could fold them up and throw them in the corner of the garage or basement and never have issues....best storage method is inflated to shape but not to pressure


    mine is only an eight foot but i keep the pontoons comepletely empty of air and laid out flat....




  3. BC Steelhead....it's something that's within reach


    I'd have to say the Marlin family(not sure i'd be up for wiring one of these right off the bat) or any game fish that involves a #130 or even #80 class rod/reel and a fightin chair mounted on a sea goin sport fisher,tower the whole 9....


    i have fought one giant bluefin in the chair,lost him and caught a couple of the 1000lb range on stand up style rod holder.Lost a few fish too and even had a friend of mine lose his thumb on a bird nested spool,loop closed on his thumb and off it goes...off goes the fish too,300lb mono broke off like nothing,he was more upset over the fish breaking off



    check it out

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