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  1. What a load of malarky. There is nothing difficult about the Chaba other than the fact it's cold. Bears ha ha....see any aliens on the way in or out? Almost sounds like fear mongering...you haven't worked on any political campaigns in the U.S. have you? Fishing is like anywhere else...you need to have a clue what your doing. It ain't shooting ducks in a barrel but if you have a big enough net you can just scoop em up...(Kidding!).
  2. Great post. I think your info was all bang on and useful to anyone considering a walk in the woods to go fishing. Having been there a couple times myself on foot rest assured everything in the post is accurate. As for the critters not enough said...Those suckers would chew you out of house and home if you give them a chance. What they will eat is amazing and their boldness goes beyond reason. Stake armed guards at camp to watch everything because things disappear? Firewood....plan on spending X minutes a day scavenging! As for being alone there anyone wanting to make that hike is welcome to it. Plenty of fish to go around if you can figure out how to get em. It's a long way to go to have a picnic, or just catch logs! If you like bugs you will be happy because you will meet plenty on the trip. It's a beutiful spot and the lake is spectacular. I suspect it won't be long and someone will figure out how to make it impossible to walk in there and fish it so enjoy it while you can.
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