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About Madpiper

  • Birthday 03/20/1974

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Chironomid (2/10)



  1. Hi, I've got a newish Beulah 5wt spey; wondering what line type most fish with; and what they are casting for flys on the Bow. Thx
  2. Anyone using this rod? I've been using an Elixer head matched to the rod with just a regular 9ft leader for nyphing. Looking for input on what others are using and perhaps their setups for streamers as well. Thanks!
  3. Looking at adding another line for my Deer Creek 5/6 Spey (currently using a Delta Spey). Indicator nymping and streamers on the Bow. I currently have a scandi on my switch rod and really like its versatility; is a skagit line too much for Bow river fishing? How usefull is it at nymping or is it a better streamer line? Thanks,
  4. I'm running a Lamson Guru 3.5 which seems to be just the right size for the line; i think I've got 160 ft of backing on which is lots. The 5/6 rod could definitely handle bigger fish.
  5. Fished @ Glenmore after work this morning with my new Beulah 5/6 Switch. I am currently running the Elixar line and bought this outfit primarily for nymphing and windy conditions; well this thing is the cats ass! Very impressed; swung a SJW and brassie with a small shot and indicator with no issues. 6 whities; where are all the real fish these days?
  6. I guess what I was after is my reel loading: If I'm casting with my right hand on top and currently my reel is loaded RH Retrieve, then upon catching a fish I would then have to switch my left hand from bottom to top in order to reel in the fish. Is this the typical setup or should I have my reel set up to retrieve LH? I'm currently fishing on the West side of the river as well. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the help!
  8. I single hand cast with my left hand ( RH Retrieve) and am finding it most comfortable to cast spey with my RH top and LH bottom (reel set for RH retrieve) Do I have everything correct for me and is this a normal to cast with your leading hand opposite that of a single hand? Thanks!
  9. Hi, New to spey casting; there is a black marker on my line I think where it transitions from head to running line, should I be keeping this just outside my rod tip while casting or where should I have it at? Thanks
  10. Madpiper

    2nd Rod

    Hi, I've currently got a 6wt 9ft Launch and am very happy with it. I am looking for a 2nd rod; 4wt but am a little unsure of what length I should choose. I have been doing some small stream fishing north of Calgary where a 7'6 I think would be very handy; but lake fishing and on the Bow 8-9ft seems like it would be more efficient. The 7'6 is a Flight and seems very stiff, so I'm thinking I can get most the casting distance I would receive out of a longer rod? Thoughts? Thanks!
  11. Looking to start as it seems the cost of flies is ridiculous and I need yet another hobby. What kits are available with good quality tools, vice and tying supplies to get started. I am trying to avoid buying a "better" vice, tools ect further on down the road. Thanks
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