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Everything posted by nextdevills

  1. lets go everyone this is a great cause, wish I had more money or I'd be bidding on everything some great trips and items up for bid we need to get the momentem going again
  2. guess its hard to come buy and expensive but could be used as a parachute post could it not?
  3. thats funny just working it out giving a couple for the stream watch auction is that the same one you are talking aboot
  4. getting close to being done now
  5. well i need to learn to estimate better another 8 hours on this haven't touched the fish yet
  6. Thanks guys I'm really stoked on this one its my original burnings. this post has most of my other burnings http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11386 but i only have the hawk, falcon, mayfly's, tiger, and the big eagle but thats not going anywhere. I am looking to take on some commissions and know they make good gifts (giving most of them away already). Msg me if your interested
  7. the photo
  8. Here is my most recent burning about 8 hours in th this one so far about half way done. This is from a picture I took a while back and i did a pencil sketch of the photo from my computer screen because darn printer ran out of ink so the spots and some detail is not exact. I'm happy with this one so far and the grain in the wood worked out good to look like ripples in the water. I added the mayfly though this guy was caught with a EHC and you see it in the photo, I think it makes it more natural and decided to go a little more artistic with this since its my own design. Let me know what you think
  9. If anyone is intrested in having a photo burned Im looking for a new project, pm me with the pic if you can and we can go from there
  10. Hi everyone im a welder with 5 years experience don't have my ticket yet but working on it. I am currently doing renovations to get by but am looking to get back into the trade I love, if anyone has any leads pm me or email at elacey1980@gmail.com thanks. I also have a mig welder and im set up for steel but with a couple of materials can do stainless and maybe aluminum if anyone needs somthing welded or fabricated
  11. thanks guys here is another the hawk and falcon are from that chick sue Walters patterns and the rest are from google photos except the eagle was a poster a friend gave me and the little one is another friends baby Hunter.
  12. thanks for the comments everyone there is a lot of time in these peices the bear about 15 hours, couger about 20 and i lost count on the eagle long ago since june anyways. I was laid off and started burning around last march and my first ones didn't look anything like these. burning became my full time job for a while there (athough i havn't made any money most were gifts). the eagle one is my biggest 2'x3' and hardest it was a challenge to myself and and im happy with it athought still have some work left. I don't have any pics on this computer of old stuff but used to draw lots and carve but didn't do much for years till i had lots of spare time picked up a cheap burner loved it and its funny hydropsyche i bought my burner and learning materials from that chick shes really nice too.
  13. this one has over 200 hours on it and still some work to go more pics to come
  14. I have to start by thanking bobloblaw for posting his burnings last spring gave me some insperation to try my hand at it and i really enjoyed it. I was laidoff at the time so had lots of time to work on this art form here are some pics
  15. the chisel tip is all i used thats all i used till i bought a razor tip and then i found about this dimmer switch idea http://westernwoodartist.com/Temp%20regulator.htm
  16. Nice job on the oak ive burned a bit and the grain can be a bugger. I have to thank you for posting some of these last spring it inspired me to get a burner and im addicted now . Are you using a soldering type burner or a detail burner
  17. saw somthing on the news about this our CPP plan has a large invesment in building dams in national parks in clile in the patagonia reigon http://www.patagonia.com/usa/patagonia.go?assetid=17500 and http://www.probeinternational.org/chilean-...-patagonia-dams couldnt find this disscused before and i am sure it is in most of our dream lists it could be spoiled be for we get to go
  18. check out http://www.sexyloops.com has good info for all stages of learning to cast wish iknew about this site when i started
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