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Everything posted by jimvel

  1. Thanks for your comments. Very helpful.
  2. I'm looking at new rod and not sure I should get a 5 or 6 wt. Fish the Bow, Highwood, etc. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  3. Webby, thanks. Had a great evening. Learned about new water 15 minutes from home...and a couple of new flys I need to add to my box. I challanged Webby to guarantee there were fish in the final seam we fished. He was right, as iI hooked up to a fighter but lost him. Next time. Good times.
  4. Fished with Tungsten on Monday. Tungsten 5 me 1. Got some good suggestions and been working on my presentation. Thanks for the help Tungsten. It is helping. Lots to learn yet. Fished all day on the Little Red River yesterday. Me and my buddy landed over 15 browns and whites. It was a great day. Then hooked up with Avalanche and fished the evening. Was fun and nice to meet fellow flyfisher. Thanks Avalanche.
  5. I'm looking for a garage door spring. The spring is 25" long and 2" in diameter. These are side springs used on garage doors built in the 70's which are no longer avaiable. Home Depot, Totem, Rona and Canadian tire carry them but not strong enough for a 7' X 16' steel door. Only other options are to replace the door or convert to new spring sysem $300. If anyone has a used spring(s) from an old door, drop me a PM. Otherwise I'll have a used one to give away.
  6. Was fishn the Bow this PM. Caught a couple of nice rainbow and lost a large brown. There were a large number of seagulls feeding on the water up from where we were fishn. We did not get any action as we moved upstream to where these birds were feeding. What were these birds feeding on and do they impact fishing success in the location? Thanks
  7. Tim, thanks for the evening. Was great fun. I think I'll start fishing in the dark. New experience. Thanks for all of your advice. I used it and landed a white and two browm yesterday PM in FC just up from the hole I pointed out to you. Had browns chasing a hairs ear. Fun for 40 minutes. Hope we can hook up again.
  8. Was on FC in the PM. Slow to start but found 2 - 3 browns 10 ft of shore. Chased a few flys but no luck. Moved up stream a couple himdred yards and hit a pool 20 feet off shore. Fun action for 40 minutes viewing browns chased a hares ear. Landed 1 white and two brown. Too much fun. Going to the upper Bow today.
  9. I'm pretty open to spots as i don't know the Bow that well. Looking forward to the league. Second week in April is OK but m flexible to any start time.
  10. I agree, I don't thing is a competetion....more for bragging rights. But good to know if it got serious...hope not!
  11. I'm in if there is room. Great idea. Is there additional room yet as I have a friend that is interested?
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