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Posts posted by BBBrownie

  1. Another technique to consider for trout streaming, is to cast out 70-50 degrees ( this can vary depending on what cast you are using. eg. a double spey throws your line a little more up stream and a snap t a little more downstream ). When the line is at 45 degrees, begin stripping it in. I find this extra action on the flies works well on trout. Take some steps downstream and repeat. This works very well for me on the bow. Swinging fles is great for steel, not as productive for trout. Good luck, and welcome to the spey cult.


    You don't find swinging productive for trout? I find it can be selective for large trout. I think swinging vs stripping is water dependant. If I am in very slloowww flows then I may add a strip, when the water is at a moderate pace, around a fast walking speed, a swing is deadly. Also, the swing can work well in runs with abundant structure, perhaps in the form of boulders, streamy currents, etc where there may be multiple big fish holding behind structure and watching then ambushing prey.

    Besides all that, there is certain peace to the step and swing rhythm that can be especially satisfying when it is broken by an explosion on the end of your line.

  2. This topic is too funny, since I'm a newbie here I figure it's best if I keep my opinion to myself. One piece of advice if you do decide to fly. When you're chatting with the pilot on the headset don't use the word chopper, helicopter pilots hate that word and it will make you look like a newbie. Better to use "the bird" or "the machine". Many seasons of Heli-portable seismic and planting taught me this. :cheers:


    Don't worry, I don't feel like a newbie.

  3. I would love to be able to do that hike but with a twice reconstructed knee on one side, an prosthetic hip above it, and a posthetic knee on the other side I think maybe I just might be able to justify using a chopper. Perhaps some folks here may someday be capable of widening their views enough to recognize that true personal gratification comes from the measure of yourself against your own objectives and goals and if the dude standing beside you can hike 75km that's awesome, and maybe he should run out and buy a tee shirt that says "I'M AWESOME" cause you know, he is just THAT awesome !


    Seriously though - Wes is onto a very valid concept that the harder you work for something, the greater the reward - Of course that's true regardless of your ability. I don't find the comment to be remotely offensive as a legally disabled person or otherwise - perhaps the context created an image of exclusion but I'd be willing to bet that was not the intent and I would hope that we all take the time to think, "hmmm what is the intent here" before reacting to a post or comment even though I know from experience that is rarely the case. Now that said the next time I fly into a lake I am going to offer a $100 tip to the pilot if he can blow all the hikers tents out into the middle of the lake LOL


    Whoa...Dude, I wasn't bragging about the length of the hike, I was just stating the distance. Read my post, I never said a damn thing about needing to earn the hike in, the only reason I even said anything about the fly in guys is because I was pissed about all the beer cans they were likely leaving behing. I believe I actually said that this lake would be better as a fly-in or pack trip? If you are jealous then just say so, no need to slag me for prefering to walk in? Why would I pay for a ride when I can walk in for free and enjoy the bonus of a great journey in. I work out of choppers all the time, so honestly the hike was great. Also, jokes aside, your comment about tipping the pilot to buzz hikers tents off is ridiculous, I dare you to try it. I don't want to sound uptight, but I don't understand why there has always got to be haters on here? Especially when there is no apparent reason. I suppose the anonymity makes it easy? I wasn't even going to step near this, but for some reason you are throwing personal digs.

  4. the accomplishment becomes bittersweet when after two solid days of hiking through snow, rain and grizzly bears you reach the lake. Immediately after arrival a helicopter drops off two out of shape, middle aged men carrying 48 cans of beer. Actually not bittersweet, it was humorous! And sad becuase they were hiking out, so where were they planning on discarding the empty cans...

    Someone mentioned horseback--That would be a great option for coral lake. On our hike in there were quite a few small outfitter sheep/elk camps set up along the way. We were the only hikers on the trail, all other users were hunters on horseback. Around 5 km below the lake there is a big camp spot set up at the confluence of Job creek and Coral creek. Turn right to hike/ride into Job pass/job lake, left to Coral lake.

  5. I have hiked into Coral Lake, it is more of a fly in lake, hike was around 75 km round trip. Goldens averaged 14-16 inches, beautiful lake, high alpine, unfortunately some sign of harvest with a few clean skeletons. I have also hiked into rainy ridge lake, wouldn't fly into this one though, it is only 2-3 hours hike in. Many fish, mostly small (8-12 inches). I think Icefields heli flies into Coral and Michelle lakes, reasonable rates, based down near the Cline River off the highway. Have heard that Michelle is also a good option for decent sized Goldens. Good luck.

  6. Whatever feels comfortable for you and executes the best cast! Some guys/gals switch hands depending on which side of the river they are on so that the same casts can be made from both sides. Switching hands doesn't work for me very well, so I just have prefered casts for each side of the river/wind conditions. There really aren't "rules" unless you impose them on yourself. Do whatever gets the job done and provides you with the experience you are looking for.

  7. Agreed. Fishing isn't a social club for me. There are probably many of us who would put solitude near the top of the list of motivations for fishing. I often don't even notice people passing by until they are long gone. Having said that, I will usually say hi if I see you nearby, but if I don't, please don't judge me, it's not about you, it's about fishin.

  8. ps., don't think that nymphing needs to be your only option on the Bow. You should certainly have it in your arsenal, but there are other ways. Swinging, stripping and dead drifting streamers (Bow River buggers and cop car clousers are a good start) can be deadly, dry flies are very effective also, you just have to get into the action. Nymphing seems to be the status quo, but the beauty is you can catch fish many ways here. Good luck, just start exploring and keep your hook in the water.

  9. From a fellow socialist, I can tell you the bold part from your comment is far scarier than anything Coulter is saying. At least I know up front that she is either (1) an idiot (2) a fairly brilliant comedienne.


    "does not alienate"? Sorry Riley, but that doesn't even pass the smell test. Lots of things are said every day that run the risk of "alienating" people; surely you can't mean the word "alienate" as a proposed litmus test? Forget socialism, you want fascism, where the state likes their role in the Orwellian Big Brother.


    As for "impinging on the rights of others", thanks but no thanks; that phrase is as nearly nonsensical and vague as "alienate". Freedom of speech, means all speech.


    Now having said that, I'll switch sides and agree that in certain, unique circumstances, hate speech could be criminal. For instance, inciting a riot, inciting violence: as in Rwanda, where the evil was partly spread by hate speech broadcast across radio. Hang those guys, I say! (Or at least put them in jail).


    But for the lunacy that is Anne Coulter? Show me where she actually has used her speech to promote violence, and I'll line up for the citizen's arrest. In the meantime, we should be far - FAR - more wary of so-called human rights commission that actually give a voice to people who whine about Mcleans magazine publishing an excerpt from a book they don't like, or taking a publisher to court, for the re-print of the Danish cartoons.


    Ever see that video. Ezra Levant is brilliant in tearing the AB Human Rights Commission a new one!:



    (more parts in the sidebar).




    Hmm...News to me, apparently I am a fascist?!? What in my words even hints at fascism? Did I say anything about corporatism? Did I say anything about assimilation- the only intolerance I may have hinted at is towards racists, sexists. Fascists don't accept different races, I believe that Anne Coulters crusade is more along these lines, putting down muslims, people of arabic descent becasue they don't fit her white american perspective. How does opposing racism or public forum for hate crime side me with racial assimilation, corporatism? Fascists are generally bound by ancestry, function as a unit- seems a bit of a stretch to link my comments to fascism. Hell, I believe in equal access, I don't understand why people would hate on others who are different, I love my country, but consider myself to be a global citizen.

    I believe in the power of positivity and using our words for good . I do stand by my belief that we have an obligation to accept and treat others with equality, if not for society, then for ourselves. If you live with positivity and respect then you will live in happiness. The fishing kind of happiness...

    Having said that, I realize that Annes event costs money, therefore not really a public forum, so perhaps it is not much different from a gangsta rap or dayglo abortions concert. Although my beliefs fall a long way from hers, I am not into censorship of private functions, perhaps I just wonder why anyone would buy into her brand of bigotry. I think your link to fascism was perhaps a bit hastey, this is a fly fishing board, most of us aren't here with an agenda!

  10. Our neighbor has an arsinal of many cat's that piss on my BBQ cover, tractor seat, lawn mower seat, boat covers. They fill our flower beds with their ginger fried beef[poop] all year long. I feel your pain, not much I can do but put the run on them any chance I get.

    Oh ya should be under a month till the skunks come around !!





    Mmm...I like ginger beef...

  11. How do you hide behind a right? Exercising it maybe, but definately not hiding.


    This broad is a definate loon, but her views are somewhat of a balance to all the leftie political correctness BS that is has entrenched itself in our society, especially media.


    So many people and groups are open to other opinions as long as they are consistent with their own. Because of this alone I welcome her to Canada!


    Political correctness is all about equality. Do you feel you are superior to others, do you deserve more access/rights than others? Freedom of speech is all good and essential to a forward thinking society as long as it does not alienate or impinge on rights of others. This is where hate laws come in to place, and I must say I agree that there is a line...Mrs Coulter nose dives across that line. Why would you welcome her? I will admit that in private company with friends I may make jokes, references that would not always be seen by all as "politically correct" (although racism has never been cool), but never in a public forum, with the intent of engaging.

    A proud socialist.

  12. Just my personal opinion, but when I casted the G-loomis I didn't like the mid to lower flex point, felt like a wet noodle to me. I like a medium to fast action mid top flex rod. I was in the same boat as you for rod budget. The z-axis is a nice rod, but you will not get it for 400 - 500 bucks. What I found was there was a marked difference between a $200 rod and a $400 rod. THat goes with out saying. But the differences between a $400 rod and a $800 rod were not as dramatic. I ended up going with a 5wt Sage flight lined with SA GPX line. It comes with ots own 4 peice case that has room to leave your reel on.


    I personally really like it, compact, delicate on the southern Ab creeks, 4 piece so makes a good pack rod, can throw moderatly weighted streamers, and nymphs well on the bow. Try it out.


    While not super fast, this rod has a fast tip and throws buggers better than most. I would respectfully disagree with you on the wet noodle comment! Although I don't own a GL3, I find this rod a pleasure to cast and have a fishin bud whos been setting aside some pricey rods to use this as a workhorse on the bow for a few years now...Perhaps not my first choice as a nymphing rig, it will get that job done and bang out buggers and dries with the best of em.

  13. for me the best rod under $400 going is the G Loomis GL3. Does everything, in my opinion the ultimate single hand rod for the bow(in that price range) my favorite overall single hand rod on the bow is without a doubt the Sage XP 690. The XP is like a laser with buggers and hoppers.

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