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About kingfisher29

  • Birthday 05/29/1981

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kingfisher29's Achievements

Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Me & my dad took a trip down south, battled hurricane winds and caught a few fish.
  2. When i was in grade six our class went on a camping trip to some pot hole lake in the mountains, i forget the name. Me and a buddy went fishing it was slow, in fact we did'nt hook up with any fish that day. At the end of the day he got snagged, he had a heavy rod and line so he kept pulling, and the snag started to move. Forty minutes later we had a good size doe on shore, i'll never forget when that deer head first emerged from that lake, that was something else.
  3. nice................
  4. love them slu sharks.
  5. http://i643.photobucket.com/albums/uu158/jesse_b/fishingtrip09117.jpg Snuck up on these guys sipp'n tiny mayfly dries. what fun, love that Crowsnest River. We had a great time on this trip, the weather was'nt always on our side, but it did'nt keep us or the fish down. Thanks to everyone that share their stories and pictures on this site It's good stuff, keep up the good work.
  6. TFO 2wt 7'3" 4pc Finesse Series, Bauer M1 superlite reel.
  7. Third straight year down in southwestern Alberta & it just keeps getting better. I finally convinced my dad to join me this time around, second day there I get into this bull unexpectedly on my new 2wt rod, he went for my dropper a #16 bead head pheasant tail nymph, dont ask me why. This was the most exciment I've had landing a fish in some time, luckly for me my dad was near by and we were able to corner him & keep him from going down stream, Dad got a net under him but he powered his way out of that.The bull charges down stream, I hustle after him I'm not going to lose this fish they dont come around to often. I finally got him into some slower water he was tired as was I, what a fish. More pictures to come.
  8. Hey I just bought a pair of those boots their beauty. Light weight, great hiking boot, don't shrink and grip well on them greasy rocks of the bow. Hopefully I'll get a few seasons out of them.
  9. Looking for a 2wt rod and reel something around 7ft I can use for dry fies on the creeks of southwestern Alberta. Nothing that will break the bank, I got to be able to justify the expense. I've been looking around but have'nt seen to much, thanks for your time.
  10. Well done men.
  11. cool pix, great start.
  12. Can any one help me, I'm having a tuff time posting pictures on this site. thank you kindly
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