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  1. Looking to fix my brother's lost butt cap on his fly rod reel seat. Anyone know how to source this single part as opposed to buying new seat? understand exact demensions will be required just looking for suggestions on suppliers or other suggestions on what to use as replacement. Have looked Cabelas and Lee Valley but no luck. Seat is Silver/Nickel in color. Thanks
  2. Thanks to all I have found a source.
  3. Does anyone know who in Calgary or area might sell (or better yet let me try then sell) a carron jetstream or a CND gravity point spey line? Looking for a 9/10 in either.
  4. Meiser 10'6" system 2
  5. Agree with Maxwell on this one as I recently made the mistake of putting the reel seat uplocking on a 16 ft spey and it takes 16 oz+ to balance it. A Hardy would be the only thing that would work.
  6. Headscan Where does one get one of those seats?
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