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Posts posted by Castuserraticus

  1. The guys who are in the long ball tour don't appear in the top money lists of the PGA Tex.


    You won't enjoy that club on Elbow Springs next year. Many holes aren't that long. You'll be bouncing balls off our cart instead of rolling them up to our heels. Did you put any notches in the shaft at the charity tourney?


    Turns out our packing is going better than expected so I slipped away to fish today.

  2. Damn you're right, that mud is a dead giveaway :P

    Have you made it out to the Elbow yet?


    Very cool pics Bob, do you happen to know what kinds of flowers these are? Here's another pretty one I found, no clue what it's called




  3. Twice


    In late 1999 I found the biggest well in the company's history. As a bonus, the owners decided to sell the company and I was one of the first ones cut. I was on the street in early 2000. Fortunately times were good and I started contracting in a short time.


    Now I run a small company. I laid myself off last month. The bonus is I still have to work - I just don't get paid anymore. That can cut into the fun time.



  4. Old Fred had some trouble performing in the bedroom. He had run through all the treatments western medicine offered with no success. At the end of his rope, he went to a voodoo doctor. The doctor smiled and said no problem.

    "Take this vial of medicine. When you want to make love to your wife, eat a pinch of the powder and count 1-2-3. You will be able to perform like a young stallion all night long."

    Fred felt that might be overdoing things and asked how he could counter the affects.

    The voodoo doctor said all he had to do was count 1-2-3-4 and the medicine would stop working.

    That night Fred cuddled up to his wife and asked if she was in the mood. When she said yes, he took the medicine and counted 1-2-3. It worked!! They were both overjoyed and Fred prepared to mount up. He looked lovingly into his wife's eyes. She smilled and asked "What did you count 1-2-3 for?"

  5. I don't believe or not believe in any of the theories. As I said, I'm not informed enough to truly comment. But when I read anything supporting man made input, thousands of studies are cited (slight exaggeration perhaps) including NASA. You guys give me the CEO of a Gas Company and scientists mostly sponsored by other oil and gas companies (or coal companies, or republicans, etc.), and not many of those.


    I'm obviously using a bit of hyperbole here, which is probably fitting in this argument. For the most part, this whole argument has become boring (and my part in it as well) as it is utterly pointless. The sides have drawn their lines and neither is willing to cross. Too bad. It's been fun, but I think I'll check out of this one for awhile. I'd say forever, but hell, I'll just forget.


    You're certainly right that neither side is listening much to the other. I expect the same arguments will continue for years while researchers on both sides toss out the occasional tidbit of new information to counter information from the other side. Unfortunately, it's not something that is easily ignored because western governments are committing massive amounts of taxpayer $$ to a problem that may or may not exist regardless of whether the spending will have any affect.

  6. Sun, if you are going to try to convince people that your theories are correct, might I suggest finding someone a bit more scholarly than a CEO of a Gas Company, particularly one with no advanced degree that I can find? ...


    People with advanced degrees are the only thinkers allowed? Does my BSc count or is that not advanced enough? Would the same statistics be more acceptable if they were stated by someone with an advanced degree?


    While I agree his speech is highly slanted towards natural gas, he makes no secret that he runs a gas company. When academics speak from their exhalted podiums, do we know who they are receiving their funding from or what their personal interests or political motives are?


    When I was graduating, the only people who stayed on for graduate degrees were the ones who couldn't find jobs. I guess I was unfortunate enough to get a job. There has always been a "holier than thou" attitude to advanced education that seems to have gained real political traction. Several of my profs would not have survived outside tenured academia. AT one major company I worked at, it was unspoken policy to keep the academics out of the working teams. I have worked with brilliant high school drop-out field staff and PhD's. Both knew their fields very well. I've also seen incompetence in both levels of education.


    At different times, I've considered returning to school to get an advanced degree. My wife is just completing a masters and her experience as an adult professional dealing with barely competent instructors makes me take pause again.

  7. If you go to small claims court you will learn a great deal about the legal system. It's unlikely you'll be satisfied with the results. As my lawyer friends say, "A good judgment pisses both sides off."


    Even if you get a favourable judgment, the likelihood of payment is low. Enforcing payment is a long difficult process.


  8. I have a pretty long que of newbies lined up already starting with my wife who has never had a rod in her hand. I have a feeling she is going to be one tough client.


    You better be happily married getting into the boat because then you'll still be married by the time you get out. :P

  9. I believe in a temperature cycle. The question is are we on an downward tick of an upward trend or a downward tick on a downward trend? No one is studying long term climate variability. No one is putting money towards crops that can work in variable climates. When all I see is a US President saying global warming causes drought and floods he might as well as say global warming causes blizzards and heat waves. All someone needs to see is in some areas at some times of the year in some years it is warmer than normal. While in a totally different area of the world they are experiencing colder than average temperatures. Caught in the middle are people having normal temperatures. The Earth has never been nor will ever be uniform in temperature across the whole planet.


    For all the money spent on this...millions of people starve...millions die of disease...millions go without safe water. It really is sad.


    I'm not arguing with you. I have read scientific and non scientific papers on both sides of the "discussion". I just can't see the evidence that anthropomorphic affects are dominating other processes. I know that variations in solar intensity cause over 90% of our climate - the correlation is nearly perfect. There is absolutely no way that our 3% of CO2 contribution is going to overwhelm solar effects. I also have no doubt that correlation between computer models and actual climate patterns is sheer coincidence. There are more unknowns in their models than knowns (remember algebra). I've dealt with less complicated earth models - what do you want the answer to be?


    There is not a lot of real discussion going on (see creation vs evolution). The global warmers are passionate that the people who aren't worried are wrong and dooming the earth. Our side is just as passionate that the data and public are being manipulated.


    They have won over the media for the time being and seem to have the upper hand politically. If this gains sufficient momentum to become a major budget issue, I expect it will be looked at, from an historical perspective, as one of the biggest boondoggles ever.


    As for crops, I think we've messed with our food supply more than enough when a company like Monsanto can sue farmers for planting crops that have traces of their genetic modifications due to natural cross pollenization processes.


    As a scientist, I have enough experience with dealing with other scientists to know we suffer the same biases as everyone else. We fall in love with our ideas and consider those who agree with us to be smart and the others to be less so. Sometimes we get lucky and find a truth.


  10. Just to stir the pot a bit, here's a link to an interesting article that the Gore/Suzukiites have conveniently ignored. Oh, I forgot, the science has been settled.




    Here's a brief excerpt:


    "Many people don't realize that over geological time, we're really in a CO2 famine now. Almost never has CO2 levels been as low as it has been in the Holocene (geologic epoch) - 280 (parts per million - ppm) - that's unheard of. Most of the time [CO2 levels] have been at least 1000 (ppm) and it's been quite higher than that,"


    Herein lies a key point - geological time vs human life span. Even many working geologists, who deal with the vast spans of geological time in their work everyday, don't connect the variability in the rock record with their lifetime.


    Scientist is a general term that covers dozens of different disciplines. Scientists are people who suffer the same biases and tendencies that everyone else does. And we are often wrong. A tiny proportion of theories test out to be true and many are untestable.

  11. Back when there was an economy, RV's tended to hold their value pretty well. We got more for our first tent trailer than we paid after using it for 3 years. But, service through the major dealers is expensive. When we owned a 5th wheel you pretty well had to have it in the shop in the winter to get servicing for spring/summer use. I remember phoning around near the May long weekend and the only dates available were late summer to fall. I ended doing my own repairs and winterizing.


    The RV industry does not understand "overpriced". I had better luck cost-wise going through Cdn Tire for parts but some things have to come from the dealers. Princess Auto has inexpensive trailer parts also.


    A friend of mine had the axles flipped on his 5th wheel at a welding shop for about half what Standens would have charged. If your looking at wheel/axle overhauls I can call and get the name of the shop.

  12. I think the womens' hockey final was noticeably faster this year. The lack of parity in previous years tended to make the game look slow. The girls on both teams displayed some great passing and real quick transitions. Canada were a bit too focused on offense and gave up some chances in their own end.


    Angel put on a show of consistency - gaining ground on Sat and Sun. He has a nice smooth swing - a real contrast to Perry's oddity.


    BTW - Heather Glen is open and the greens and course are in real good shape. I played on worse greens mid summer at some courses last year - only $47 yesterday.

  13. I was curious about the name so I googled it- figured it must have some cool pop culture connotations. Now I'm confused and a bit worried since you spell my handle a bit differently than I do. However, the chest floats would be useful if a person slipped while wading.

  14. If you watch some of the other youtube videos of this kid, he makes some pretty spectacular plays during game action too. Very creative kid. Not like Schremp where all his highlight reel stuff is during the shootouts. Don't get me wrong, Schremp has great hands, and can think the game pretty well, but Omark uses them to his advantage during the game and makes some incredible individual plays.



    This kid doesn't give up.

  15. As far as the original question goes...I know if you stick your keyfob by your head to unlock/lock your car (without piercings) it increases the range....didn't believe it until I tried it...(yes, you do feel kinda stupid)..so maybe the more metal the better for cell reception.


    Unless you have a PA - then it works best in your pocket, especially if you're excited.

  16. I think this was a great change to the regs. Now those buck bios who think that they'll throw some perch in this lake and come back in a few years and reap the reward now have their reward removed. This is a move by the government to combat those anglers or bucket bios that are doing this for harvest reasons soley. Places like Cow are a popular perch fishery now were once a great trout fishery. Too bad you can not keep any from Cow now, but were there really any quality fish coming out of there now in good numbers? I think this was a bold move and maybe the only move the Government had left to combat these clowns. If there is no reward why risk getting caught?


    Anyone with foresight would recognize that stocking perch in a pond without predators means a short term food source with stunted fish in very short order. How much reward was there? Now these same bucket biologists are supposed to have enough foresight to not do illegal stocking due to possibly getting tagged in the future?


    So what happens at the ponds where perch have taken over? Are perch added to the specific reg descriptions with unlimited harvest? Can a perch fishery be managed via fishing?


    I think we need a new industry - packaged Alberta "cod" fillets. Net and process them.

  17. Two sons, 16 and 13, and a 12 yr old daughter. Daughter has pierced ears. That is it. Don't think I would have an issue if my sons wanted pierced ear, and I guess a nose one for the daughter when the time comes---but that is that. I DEFINE uncool parent. One of the most often repeated lines around my house is:

    "Why do you even bother telling me what your friends parents let them do?"


    So far, none of this has been an issue. I'm quite sure it will and I'm quite sure I'll be unpopular around the house when it does.


    I told my kids the true definition of cool is doing what you want rather than copying other people. From my vague memories of youth, that is what seemed to set the truly cool kids apart from the pretenders. Neither have expressed any interest in additional body decoration although they have several friends who have. How cool is that?!


    One suggestion is to remind the kids of the stages they have grown through. Would they still be proud of the Barney or Pikachu tattoo they got when they were 6?

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