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Posts posted by pkk

  1. Elitist?

    If you talk to a gear fisherman all fly fisherman are elitists. It is a matter of personal preference, and whatever turns your crank. Those that nymph and call a dryfly fisherman an elitist is up to them. but the reality is that there arent many fly fisherman (ones that do it all) that if had the choice and conditions permitted would dry fly over anything else. Personally i think it is much more challenging hunting down snouts and precision casting to catch them, then trying to flog a fly line with indicators,wts, and multiple flies. Its much more enjoyable seeing a fish come up and eat the fly than seeing the indicator go down.

    When I started fly fishing, dryfly was the way I learned and didnt find out about indicator fishing until many years later. Nowadays people want things quick and easy with results. Hence all newbee's learn to nymph first, get comfortable with it and now that is their method. And have a tough time giving up catching fish to learn something new (like hedscan said he left his nymph box at home which forced him to learn about dryfly and is very happy for that). when one is out nymphing they sure arent seeing the fish that are feeding on the surface.

    Its a very similar thing to steelhead fishing, dryfly vs swinging wets. Most people start with wets and get comfy with it and deny themselves the beauty of the dry.

    Nymping catches more fish? I dont agree 100%. It really matters when one choses to go fishing. If you go out to fish for the whole day (bow) chances are you cant dry fly all day (there are exceptional days where this does happen) and have to fish subsurface. I personally dont have the time, so a few hours here and there are what I get. BUT i dont mind that, as I go out when the bugs are hatching and fish are feeding on the surface. And in the 2 - 3 hrs I fish, lots of fish are hooked (probably the same amount as if I had nymphed a good portion of the day).

    If you were to ask any experienced fly fisherman ( one that has and can do it all) I would bet that they would all prefer to catch a fish on a dry than anything else. So does that make all experienced flyfisherman elitists?


    I guess I am an elitist.



  2. If your main reason is the bulkley trip and want to learn to spey cast then get a spey rod. And take some lessons that will at least teach you the basics (well worth your money, lots of different ones in the spring).There is no single rod that will accommodate the pike/bass and steelhead fishing. And if steelheading is the case get a 7wt -8wt between 12.5' to 13'. Whatever rod you do get it is very important to get the right line for that rod (can be confusing). So I recommend getting a qualified shop (lots of spey knowledge). There are a coupe good ones. Brian at Whistler flyfishing is one of the best in the industry when it comes to lining rods. Do get a skagit line as they will increase your learning curve.



  3. Here is a pic of ggp lovin a fish only meters in from the Salt...Aint no redds at the very mouth of a river (tides) ...Salmon can/will turn Color prior to totally committing to fresh, A lot of the times they move in and out of fresh and salt (To adapt) till ready to run kms/miles to spawn up river... :D




    what river might that be


  4. So, pkk, Can ya give us some tips on "How To Catch Clean Fish" that are Spawning in the Rivers???... :c: :whistle:



    So, Jeff, yes I can, and will give you some tips. Excuse me, I will assume you arent so familiar with steelhead fishing. :rolleyes:


    - first off summer run steelhead dont spawn until spring and can be in some systems as early as july. so you can get them as early as july and until the system closes (most dec 31). the closure gives the fish approx. 3-4 months without harassment before they spawn. pacific salmon are different.


    how to increase your chances of catching cleaner (fresh) fish: note there are no guarantees, but one can increase their chances.


    - fish earlier in the season when the fish that are in havent been there very long (will be less of them in the river. as time progresses thru the season more fish and the bulk of the run will be in the system but this also means that the fish that came in earlier will have already been around for a while and will be colored up).

    - the water temps are also much warmer earlier meaning more active fish


    - fish the mainstem river and much closer to the ocean. therefore almost all are clean because they are travelling fish and dont hang around long.Fishing close to the chuck will give you the highest percentage of clean fish. the fish that are higher up in the system have obviously been around longer



    - fish dry fly or light tips - the fish you get with this method will have had to move to your fly which is more typical of a fresh fish. Early on this is the only way to fish. later in the season you wont get as many fish this way but the chances are they are hotter.



    There is no guarantee, and no one can say, I only catch clean fresh hot fish. but one can increase his chances. its all a percentage thing.


    hope this helps


  5. when you put the fox hair fibers into your loop align them so that the but ends are barely in there and then spin. you might also want to remove a little of the underfur (some times it can be a little to thick). when you wrap it forward around your hook pull all the fibers back so you do not wrap over itself.


  6. I fully understand someone not really caring about the issue if they have never had the pleasure of being up there. If you read the proposal you will see it isnt all about the fish. It is about being a CANADIAN and not being treated like one. Plus if you fish in B.C at all, one must be carefull because who knows what kind of precedence it might set. Even if you dont have the desire to fish there it sure would be nice for your kids to have that choice. Turning a blind eye doesnt solve problems.



  7. Thought this might get some of your attention by posting it here. Was originally posted in news discussion and current issues.


    It kills me that there are 200 plus people that have viewed this thread and only 7 responses. In the photos section any threads regarding steelhead had way more views and also way more responses. most of the responses were : I love that place, wicked pics,cant wait to go back, maybe one day. Well!!!!


    Maybe one day you might not have that pleasure!! Please read it and send emails to the B.C govt. Rightyeegs is right the squeaky wheel does get the grease.


    env.minister@gov.bc.ca , TCA.Minister@gov.bc.ca , adolan@islandnet.com , Paddy.Hirshfield@gov.bc.ca




    anyone have any connections local news papers,tv reporters maybe that might help some. most people couldnt care about fishing but it is beyond that! ITS ABOUT BEING A CANADIAN, YET BEING TREATED LIKE AN ALIEN (american, european, etc). WE ALREADY FUND THE MANAGEMENT OF THESE THRU FEDERAL TAXES.




    Thanks in advance.



  8. It kills me that there are 200 plus people that have viewed this thread and only 7 responses. In the photos section any threads regarding steelhead had way more views and also way more responses. most of the responses were : I love that place, wicked pics,cant wait to go back, maybe one day. Well!!!!


    Maybe one day you might not have that pleasure!! Please read it and send emails to the B.C govt. Rightyeegs is right the squeaky wheel does get the grease.


    env.minister@gov.bc.ca , TCA.Minister@gov.bc.ca , adolan@islandnet.com , Paddy.Hirshfield@gov.bc.ca




    anyone have any connections local news papers,tv reporters maybe that might help some. most people couldnt care about fishing but it is beyond that! ITS ABOUT BEING A CANADIAN, YET BEING TREATED LIKE AN ALIEN (american, european, etc). WE ALREADY FUND THE MANAGEMENT OF THESE THRU FEDERAL TAXES.




    Thanks in advance.








    more findings:



    this is off the B.C fishing synopsis:





    The management of salmon fisheries in B.C., in both tidal and fresh waters, is the

    responsibility of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO).


    This tells me that it is federal dollars that go to manage these fish. CANADIAN TAX DOLLARS. I cant believe my money (i am from ALBERTA) is helping fund this whole SKEENA AMP. there will be more restrictions put on NON BC CANADIAN RESIDENTS than a non canadian who is willing to pay for a guide. and all of that money does nothing for the fishery only into the guides pockets. and most of the steelhead lodges in that area are partially owned or funded by NON CANADIANS (americans).


    This is way beyond fishing. ITS ABOUT BEING TREATED LIKE A CANADIAN!!!!




    Peter Kirkegaard

  10. It kills me that there are 200 plus people that have viewed this thread and only 7 responses. In the photos section any threads regarding steelhead had way more views and also way more responses. most of the responses were : I love that place, wicked pics,cant wait to go back, maybe one day. Well!!!!


    Maybe one day you might not have that pleasure!! Please read it and send emails to the B.C govt. Rightyeegs is right the squeaky wheel does get the grease.


    env.minister@gov.bc.ca , TCA.Minister@gov.bc.ca , adolan@islandnet.com , Paddy.Hirshfield@gov.bc.ca




    anyone have any connections local news papers,tv reporters maybe that might help some. most people couldnt care about fishing but it is beyond that! ITS ABOUT BEING A CANADIAN, YET BEING TREATED LIKE AN ALIEN (american, european, etc). WE ALREADY FUND THE MANAGEMENT OF THESE THRU FEDERAL TAXES.




    Thanks in advance.



  11. Truly unbelievable!! everyone send nasty emails. Do you think there is any way to get the alberta government informed and involved.

    Crazy Proposals:


    Working Group members noted that a limited-day licence on its own was not included

    specifically in the draft Angling Management Plan so the Phase II Consultation Report

    has limited information on public and stakeholder acceptability of this approach.

    However, there was some interest in this element expressed at stakeholder meetings

    and in other input to the fall 2008 consultation process.

    So all the public meetings and and open houses are rendered useless because you are now trying to implement something totally different ?


    Quality Waters Strategy – Hierarchy of exclusion


    The Quality Waters Strategy (MOE 2005) states: “Where angling opportunities

    become oversubscribed, decisions regarding angling opportunities will reflect the

    priority and interests of British Columbian resident anglers.” The strategy also states

    that “The recommended hierarchy of diversion/exclusion is as follows:

    1. Non Guided Non Canadian

    2. Non Guided Non BC

    3. Guided Non Canadian

    4. Guided Non BC

    5. BC Anglers, guided and non-guided”


    What this means is that if the quality of angling on a particular river is poor due to

    crowding or other issues, the first groups regulated are the non-residents (1 and 2),

    the second groups regulated are the guided anglers (3 and 4), and the last group

    regulated is the resident anglers. This is often referred to as the Quality Waters

    Strategy hierarchy of exclusion.




    this is crazy, you are to say a NON CANADIAN who has money to pay more can buy more rights to fish than I whom am canadian (non bc). why do guided anglers have more rights than another canadian (non bc).

    the above goes to show who is really driving the boat here "THE GUIDE OUTFITS". bunch of bullshit




  12. ever seen one of those when it is fresh. chrome bright! it is to bad people are allowed to catch these beautiful beasts so far up into their spawn cycle. i would have to disagree with all the responses. those are tired old boots that were either flossed or foul hooked. and if they actually grabbed it, it was because they were protecting their redds.


    poorly done

  13. not a chance. is it for the fish or yourself. the fish will never benefit. we are all just so selfish that we figure we deserve to not see anyone on our favorite run (there are a million people in calgary, so give it a break). there are more guides on the river than any out of town do it yourselfers. maybe you should add a column for guide restrictions.

    plus when it happened in se bc all anyone did was complain about it. should we follow the same footsteps? does it make it right that just because it is us doing it. NO

  14. I am pretty sure I am going to buy a jet boat for next season. I'd like to get feedback from anyone whose willing to share it relative to my options. My needs are not ideal for picking a boat. I am in need of a boat I can take on lakes and still run skinny water. Ideally I would have something which was around 16/17 feet long, was light, picked up on step quick and allowed for deep and skinny water. I understand this optimal mix probably does not exist so I will likely end up with a compromise. The vendors I am looking at are:


    Outlaw Eagle









    Seems to have a good deadrise 17 in the front and 12 in the back for skinny water.


    Custom Weld








    The last choice is perhaps my favorite but a poor choice for a lake. I like the compromise of a 16 / 18 degrees deadrise on the bow with a 11 or so deadrise on the planing surface. I *think* that would be a reasonable compromise but I can only see it in a heavier boat than I want.. I like lighter because it's easer to get on step at slower speeds and given I am a novice jet boater I like the extra security that gives me when trying to sort out what is good water and what is not. In any event, any advice would be appreciated.





    you really have to figure out what you will use the boat for the most. there is no one perfect boat for all applications. a lake boat and a river boat are 2 completely different beasts.

    they are all good boats that you have researched but all very different. Mikes alumifix out of Hazelton are fantastic boats (riden and driven lots of them right from the very first one he ever built) but is completely different than the Tomcat (which you have been in). i considered mikes boats when I made my new purchase but it is solely a river fishing boat. If you go with one of the larger boats I would recommend an inboard.


    call anytime,




  15. I will be going to for a 4 stroke. I am not a huge fan of 2 strokes for all the reasons you mentioned.




    You wont have much of a choice, 4 strokes is all that is available in those sizes unless you are lucky to get a good used 2 stroke.


    and hey al, is your smart car able to tow a boat?


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