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Posts posted by Brownstone

  1. Hey Birchy..really want Brookies? save up and head to Labrador or northern Quebec..10 Lb Brookies not uncommon, AND my personal favorite...Ounaniche (landlock salmon) a salmon swims up river..man puts a dam across *voila*..best game fish i ever caught.. and these SOB's get BIG..I'm talking 20+ Lb fish that jump 10 feet out of the water a dozen times on a 5 min fight...so...go for the Brookies, stay for the Ounaniche...


    I grew up fishing Brookies..they are indeed the best of trout if you ask me....

  2. What about a contest Who can take the most people from this board out fishing. Great way to put a face to many of the names here on the board. Also to spread some good on the water tricks. Easy to judge just make everyone take a pic together and then post it. Let it go till the end of september and tally up the score. Maybe add extra points for fish caught during the trip.



    That's a good one...everyone gets somthing out of it.


    perhaps..extra points for, picture of both with trout over 25"...different fish for water...(ex. Laker,Brookie on the Bow).....

  3. I'm assuming the answer is no since YOU do it.. but wouldn't the fish have a greater chanced of seeing the weight - and not biting - with this method?



    The fish have selective sight, if it does not look like food..they simple ignore it..I use this exact method if im fishing only nymphs..three nymphs tied on droppers, a tailing section of light line for your split..like HS said, you lose the split before anything else..i tend to use this method in shallower fast moving water w/o an indie and feel for the strike..I refer to it as a bounce rig...



    ***remember: any form of lead is banned in National parks, whether it is a part fly or not...

    also illegal to fish with more than one hook, or a hook with more than two points on a common shaft***

  4. i dunno how hard it would have fought..6 lb test


    Exacty..the line would have been maxed simply pulling that fish through the water....let alone if it struggled much at all..I don't want to take anything away from these guys it is indeed an impressive size fish..but It's not natural for a rainbow to grow that big/fat ....

  5. Craziness... imallugine fighting that thing on a fly rod?!!



    That fish probably would not fight as hard as a healty 25" Rainbow out of the Bow, However could put up some pretty good deadweight, the fish is simply not in shape; the same applies to fish as everything else, if your 5'8" and 300 lbs, chances are you'll tire way before someone who is 6', 200 lb. I grew up in an area that had "fish farming" and each spring ice would cause busted cages to release fish, mostly Rainbows..These fish would thrive in the wild and get HUGH..Ive never landed anything half the size of that Rainbow, but i can tell you this; the bigger the gut on the fish, the less it'll run..it'll be heavy..but after a minute of shaking, they are done...That fish no doubt is a biggen..but the amazement should be in that it has'nt sucomb to disease, because a rainbow that grows that big probably lives in still water and has nothing better to do but bob around and eat...and obviously no predetors in the same water; can't see fatty being so fast to escape anything..........my two cents..

  6. IMO, Leave the hook in, cut it off if possible..You hook fish with a razor sharp hook..impossible to have a 100% release rate like Grannyknot said..I believe there is an old thread in the archives on the "through gill hook removal"..personally Ive never tried it on a trout..nor would I..

  7. are you kidding me??? how can you even say that with the number of Canadian boys that are bringing the cup home this year...sure it wasn't on a Canadian BASED team but the ducks are way more canadian than the sens if you are talking player numbers...i hate Canadian BASED team bandwagon jumpers...thanks god the playoffs are over and i can get back to being friendly and fishing with guys like you before we go to war again in the fall...lmfao :P and for the record...my name's Andrew and I'm a QUACKHEAD!!! :D



    like I said, there are lots of Canadian boys winning the cup, but do you think the yankees see it that way? good for you and the Ducks it was a damn good efford the last couple years and they got it..It'd just be nice to see the cup north of the border instead of some place it don;t even snow...and i don;t think I'm alone..but good on ya..friends till fall? LOL

  8. Have you been busting off or pulling hooks? busting off could be a number of things from too light of line, bad knots, tandem or tri flies to cloise together.(bigger fish have a tendancey to hook themselves on more than one hook if fishing multi hooks, if your flies are too close togther they may get busted). Pulled hooks mean either your pulling too hard(give the fish line if he wants it(but keep him out of the middle/off obsticals)> or like Hydro said besure your hooks are sharp; It may just be a little somthing in your technique also, do you find you lose fish Nymphing,on Drys,streamers? if its isolated i'd say a little experimenting with technique will solve it..remember every fight is different and you have to adjust on the fly(pardon the pun)..only certain rules/guidelines are applicable...

  9. Bunch of Quackheads!!!..were losing our game to the Americans..next season will be 15 years since the cup has been north of the border (compliments of my Habs ;) ) .. mind you most of the the players winning it are Canadians..still don't bring it home...

  10. I think a pro is anyone who believes they have anything valuable to add to a certain thread..It all comes down the discretion of the person posting the thread if they think the advice is indeed valuable.. I guess the only way to regulate only "pros" replying would be to put a restriction on only higher ranking members or moderators fielding questions.


    (However if this was the case you may miss out on lots of valuable advice..just because a member has a lower ranking does'nt mean they have less FF experience.)

  11. I tie heavy SJW (+/- 1.5 g) and use it as my anchor fly either in between two flies or on th end..it takes some practice to cast but i find conbined with a swivel it tangles less than other things ive tried..I hate and i mean hate split shot..but try what you want its hard to go without if you want to catch fish...

  12. $500.00 each, should be easy to get what you need..stay away from cheapo kits, I remember a thread in the old archives about the same thing, I think he was looking to get outfitted for $700.00 with waders and boots...

  13. I carry Frontiersman spray, I get mine at Wholesale Sports 29.99..It expires ever 2 years or so..I also carry a pen gun with whistle flares..never had a CLOSE call with a bear, though Ive seen lots of blacks fishing north of Hinton and had to scare one off one evening with a shell..yeah they dont like whistlers or bangers..but a bell is the best and cheapest insurance not to run into bears...

  14. I use the old school Muskol 98% or 100% DEET (not avaliable in Canada anymore), It stinks and will melt your line quicker than a flame (not to mention strip the paint off anything) so I make sure I clean my hands throughly after application, If your concerned about the smell transferring to your flies, bring a small bar of bio-soap(envio friendly hand soap) you can pick it up at most camping places...personally I agree with Lundvike, not an issue on the Bow.

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