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Chironomid (2/10)



  1. If Al and Sean,or, (I've heard It's Al and Rose & Crown) could get their "Many reasons sorted out" we would still have a great Fly tying club in Calgary. I think it's " Mr Bogangles" thats on this board we all need to talk to. Does anybody know Seans contact, ie; Board member name? Or e-mail; ????????? Or even get them to have another location other than the R & C
  2. Sounds like a great idea since "Flytie Tuesdays" no longer exists Hope Sean Darby see's this post, it would be great to get him down to teach us a little. Does anybody know how to contact him???? It seems he dosn't visit the Rose and Crown as much anymore (Don't read between the lines)
  3. Is this a "BIG" joke or what "AL" ?????????
  4. Whats happening with FTT is it starting up or what???????? maybe we should move it somewhere else like Rusty suggested with better orginization
  5. I'll buy him one as well!!! Come on you guys let's get some input on the board and get Sean back. It just wont be the same without him
  6. Sorry if I offended anybody I meant He HAD the personality to teach and tie flies and I just hope that the next person that sits in his seat is as good. I liked his sense of humor and he made me laugh and I learned a lot especially the entomology and the history of the flies
  7. what happened to Sean?? Has he left town or something?? He was the only down there that had a personalty and could tie a real fly Who is going to teach the fly tying?? I hope it's not those streamer guys
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