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Everything posted by flytime

  1. unbelivablely cool
  2. not sure if this would work but instead of baking soda, try coffee grounds. old indian trick i heard of, that they used on coolers after their salmon catch. been using this technic on my camper fridge to keep it fresh and it seems to work. smells alittle like coffee, but better than other things.
  3. thanks for the info i will try switchin it up a bit with an attractor next time. and pay attention to where they are rising, not so much on how many are rising. instead of throughing flys every which direction whenever one surfaces. im heading back mid august to have another go. i'll keep you informed.
  4. was back in the kootenays for the week and managed to get out on the columbia river around castlegar for a while. saw fish after fish surfacing for caddis flys. the hatch was so intense that if you opened your mouth you would have one in it. tried every thing i thought possible to match the hatch without luck. seemed like the only way you could catch them is if you placed the fly in their mouths as they were surfacing for their real meal. it may be just me but my casting is not that accurate. what should one try in this situation? or are they just going to be that picky with such a large hatch on??
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