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Everything posted by Jokey

  1. There is an adult competition as well. Check the link! J
  2. Hi All.....hope this is OK to post here.... Youth Tiers Needed to Compete at the 2013 International Fly Tying Symposium! Are you a tier under the age of 16? Do you know a young tier that would love to have their work displayed in front of some of the top tiers in the world and have a chance to compete for some great prizes? The organizers of the 2013 International Fly Tying Symposium (Nov 23-24, Somerset, NJ) are looking for more youth tiers to compete in the Youth Division, sponsored by Superfly International Inc. The deadline for submissions has been extended to Nov 15th. See the 2013 Symposium Press Release: http://www.internationalflytyingsymposium.com/Superflycompetition.html Follow the link to rules and application: http://www.internationalflytyingsymposium.com/Super%20Fly%20Competition%20Rules%20and%20Entry%20Form.pdf Good Luck to all who enter!
  3. Edmonton not making the playoffs made sense, sucky goaltending, injured major talent, lackluster secondary players and a new coach. If I was a Calgary fan I would be livid for a team so heavy with great players turning in such a brutal season. The Flames have far more to be ashamed of than the Oil. J
  4. I almost hate to say it but discussing fishing ettiquette here is practically a waste of time (with the exception being of the fellow who asked). Chances are pretty darn good that everyone using the board is well aware of common sense and courtesy and acts accordingly. It is the people who have no idea how to handle themselves even on the internet that go about their daily lives pissing people off and generally acting like flamin' a-holes that are the one we have problems with on the water. I do wonder however how many of the non posting lurkers, that come to various fishing boards in hopes of getting good intel, are the fools I seem to run into. J
  5. Thanks guys. I did actually get out fishing a few times. But when you can can count all your trips on one hand that aint so good. The kid is good....walking and wrecking stuff. So far he hasnt figured out how to get into my fly tying room. I wont go all Kathy Lee on you guys and post a pile of pics but I will post one of my favorites. This is him just before he ate and destroyed a Japanese city and had an epic battle with Mothra. Cheers J
  6. Well it only took me 6 months but I found where all you guys ran off to. Betcha thought, or hoped, you'd never see me again. I know you guys figured that you'd stealthily creep over here and leave me in the dust but months of back breaking research lead me down the right path and now you'll never be rid of me. True I could have just googled and looked that way but hey....I'm not that smrt. I havent fished much this year. 55-60 hour work weeks and a 15 month old doesnt leave me much time for....anything. But I get a moment now and then and in those moments I'll be lurking around and see what you all are up to so I can be jealous and see what I'm missing. Cheers all J
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