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Everything posted by ByronG

  1. This is a mess eh........ Reports are that some of the millions CRTC collects from cable companies is to go for local television. Somewhere along the way its not enough. In both accounts the local television and cable companies can't say anything bad about crtc so they are sutck in a war with a middle man that is horrible. CRTC is the blame for this also they are the blam for the crappy movies on TV. They tell each provider every month which show and which movies are allowed to be on.....that's crap. If this comes to bear fruit and cable companies get charges a little more from CRTC then no doubt we will get it as they think they have been giving CRTC plenty over the years. But now its direct extra payment so then they should have a say on which stations to pay for as far as local stations go. Or worst case they make there own local stations for each area and keep it in house ( Smartest for them). If I were in Shaw,bell, Rogers shoes..... my thought would be been if I'm paying more you better give me some television for my viewers or I won't pick up your channel. Just my thoughts
  2. Thanks max........ i couldnt change it cause it works but it was crazy hearing all the different way and I never heard anyone explain this one. Even reading in different books they always have the weight above all the flies......
  3. The name can be put in to wrap it along with website etc. I really like the FFC with the C being the fish also...... Just have to get all the info in there and set it up so not so block letter like but great idea.
  4. I may be drinking again but I go against all I have read or heard guys on here doing. I putt my weights on the bottom. yeah yeah I know. But it works like a charm. I actually got it from a guide I had one day and have used it ever sence. Here is my set up........ depth will vary some depending on water.
  5. Yeah I love Niska logo aswell. I tried doing one like it but it either looked to much like his or to much like the sport fishing BC one....... I love them both and they are the best I have seen for sure. They are fantastic.
  6. Yeah fonts are really easy to change at any point. Also the angle or shape of the font . Weather its straight or wrapping the skyline and fish or whatever......... that can change at any point. Its the skyline and the fish that are the only hard points to mess with. ( Not really that hard. lol ) My problem is I have thousands of fonts,,,,,,, trying to pick one I think everyone will like or the best out of 4000 is a tuff task. but once picked its a 3 min job. I agree with the logo from a distance...... but: Examples FEDEX WALMART PETRO CANADA MCDONALDS BEST BUY STAPLES UPS etc etc, none of those are fancy. None of these logos sell clothing etc. You wouldn't where a shirt unless you worked there. But yes I know where your coming from. We just need to look at logos that are not to much, simple but attract both young and old. I'll look at logos from companys like....... other fishing products, snowboards, ski's, bikes ( Harley ). I think thats more of a logo that sells.......
  7. only place your hat looked good. lol
  8. According to post............. this is more what it sounds like you guys want......... I hope.
  9. Oh I agree Justin. Forsure !! Thats why i get my moneys worth by picking on him. Good trade off.
  10. They don't take IT away. lol So bad that 1 guy that works for me waits to *hit at the office in the morning cause his house can't handle it.....lol Yes i make fun of him everyday......
  11. The Boat, The logo......... but not together, Gonna have to re draw together.... I'm still a rookie.
  12. I still like the skull. Any and all would need to be done properly but for show and tell . quick and easy..... and RUFF
  13. FOR THE MAN WHO WANTED A DRIFT BOAT........ I need to find a better one
  14. had a Fly fishing but didn't like it
  15. Just the basic crest for it. I'm yet to draw, find or steal a boat I like.....
  16. hey Tung,,,,, if you send me some of the pics or a good place to find what your looking for I can put them all in corel draw and combine them for you...... see how it looks. Regardless we won't beat the skull.lol but I'll try for you.
  17. Would be good on a Black Hoodie etc.
  18. I have a manly one for you guys. Will never get approved but it would sell shirts !!!
  19. LOL, nice that took me 20 min to pop out. But it only sucks after you provide a better replacement. For now average but not your fav. lol
  20. That my friend is fantastic work !!!!!!! Well done.
  21. The starting of my first FFC logo.
  22. I think its to bad some are giving the guides a rip. Supply and demand and there is alot of demand in Calgary with the Bow at our door step. I think they earn every penny for the most part. I know i make more money working shorter day and not having to deal with teaching someone you don't know and trick/ trade to have an enjoyable day. I own my own little boat ( 12')but still get a guide 3-4 times per summer. It just sets up a great day on the water. They do all the work of rowing and you get to enjoy fishing. I have no doubt I will do it the rest of my life. maybe even more so as I get older and don't or can't row a boat to where I need to get to. Tipping,,,,,,,, wow this is a good one and I agree its earned. No that i found a couple great guides and they know I will reward them things are great. Of the start...... it was simple. if your acting like its a race to the pick up point to get $20 and no re-call. If your back rowing tons, friendly, staying on the water above an 8 hour day ( a normal work day ). Then you get much more. The lowest I have given a few years ago was $20 tip. The most i have tipped was $200. Both were on the bow. Both guides earned every penny. lol The $200 guy even offered to give some back cause he said he had fun too. lol. " No no, its yours buddy" He worked his butt off from 8am to 8pm. back rowing, walking the boat back up river sometimes 4 time through the same run cause we hit so many. It was fantastic. Just my 2 cents. But love what they do. B.
  23. My vote is on a safe distance and kindly ask 1 more time.......... then begin to throw baseball size rocks into his pool / run. If he objects,,,,,,,,, start throwing them at him.
  24. I agree. A open field with a chunk of yarn for sure. I would add in a paper plate or a bright colored flat object to aim for. As you get better get it futher away / move it around. try to land it on the plate rather than just chuckin into open air. its more fun than it sounds. B.
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