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Posts posted by albannachxcuileag

  1. Hydropsyche,


    it is a Griffith Gnat without the peacock herl. The hook is a VMC size 20 UK size - about 5mm long, the hackle is from a Whiting Grizzly Bugger pack. I have found that they chuck in a section of saddle or neck with some extremely nice hackles to make up the bulk, I bought a few of these in different colours and most of them have high quality dry hackles included along with the monsters!


    The top fly with the olive deer hair has a body made with Pearsal's original mid olive silk, I have a few spools of different Pearsal's that I inherited from an old fisherman that are no longer available these days. I added a couple of strands of Tan coloured Wapsi Enhancer Hank to perk it up a bit.

  2. Messing around and seeing what happens to things.




    Just for a change I did not bother to remove the stubs of the deer hair but just trim them into a collar to create some surface disturbance. Should have pulled out those two long hairs!




    Hook, Thread, Hackle - as simple as it gets.




    1 minute buzzer from 2 types of flashabou, Lime Green and Pearl, still to varnish!

  3. This article on threads will explain the beat and worst of them. It boils down to a personal choice for thread and at the moment UTC wins by a country mile for splitting easily. I have tried Danville's, Benecchi, UNI, Spiderweb and many others but UTC wins out as it is so easy to split. Don't waste money on the likes of the Pettijean thread as it is actually UNI from all accounts.


    Link to Thread

  4. I voted on Cheeler's wet as it has that you know it will catch look about it. Plenty of motion available from the softish hackle and a nice nymphy look when wet as well.


    IMO> When looking at wet flies of the types submitted it is easy to make a definition on them as the larger Salmon types were originally designed to show off the tyers ability and also the fact that he could obtain all of those rare and obscure feathers that were only available to the rich that made salmon fishing a sport of the Landed Gentry. When design in salmon flies changed from using endangered feathered species and into the use of the likes of calf tail and buck tail that is when tying opened up to new ideas.

    Standard wets as used for trout fishing relied more on mimicry rather than ostentation and therefore were well within the reach of the 'common man' as most trout wet designs came from observation rather than imagination and gave us a wealth of patterns to choose from.

  5. Just made the deadline!





    I screwed up the White Balance!


    Hook - Kamasan Low Water Salmon single size 6

    Thread - Black UTC 140 Denier

    Tail - Matched Dyed Red Goose Slips - Red Ibis If you have it!

    Ribs - Oval Silver and two strands of Dyed Green Peacock Herl

    Body - Medium Silver Mylar

    Beard - Black Hen

    Wing - Peacock Sword - matched from two opposing swords

    Wing Edges - Paired Red Dyed Goose Slips

  6. You guys might like to try this out for your bigger lake trout.


    It is based on the Alexandra, a fly that was banned for use on several waters in the UK when it was popular due to it's taking capabilities. It gives the impression of a minnow or bait fish and in this size should prove attractive to your native trout.




    Hook - Kamasan Low Water Salmon single size 6

    Thread - Black UTC 140 Denier

    Tail - Matched Dyed Red Goose Slips - Red Ibis If you have it!

    Ribs - Oval Silver and two strands of Dyed Green Peacock Herl

    Body - Medium Silver Mylar

    Beard - Black Hen

    Wing - Peacock Sword - matched from two opposing swords

    Wing Edges - Paired Red Dyed Goose Slips

  7. looks good.


    material list?





    Hook: sz 10-14

    Thread: black

    Body: Cactus Chenille Large black. Black/Orange Sheet Foam


    Must be the Christmas rush confusion setting in LS! :D

  8. Could you tie that pattern with a conehead weight or bead headed weight on the front? Is it still called the same thing?


    Small pike like these things to!


    Would it not then be a Cone Head Bloom's Leech?


    Nice pattern that would transform to a Damsel with just a colour change.


    Excellent fish too!

  9. There is a tip I got for reducing the bulk at the head before tying in and whipping off.


    Cut the fibres at 45 degree slope back from the eye, position for tying in and wrap a couple of thread loops over to hold in place, using liquid, not gel, super glue put a small drop on the fibre slope and then whip finish. The liquid super glue will move by capillary action between the fibres and when you whip this down you will get a very secure head with little thread build up allowing you to make a hard shiny varnish finish with several layers of varnish to get that bead like look. Do not use a large drop of the glue, just enough to wet the ends of the fibres/hairs/materials.

  10. LS,


    a quick look and here is the rough tie!


    Hook - any decent scud or shrimp hook

    Underbody possibly of shaped lead or thread build up but I would go with some lead at least to get it down

    Ostrich herl - top quality - dense fibre stuff

    Shell back - either the weave method in the thread or thin skin coloured with permanent markers and ribbed over with fine wire before the application of epoxy coat,

    Feelers - look to be Partridge hackle and the eyes are melted mono with black epoxy enamel on the outside edge


    So, what are you waiting for? Get them tied up!

  11. As a few of you might know, I have had a few madcap ideas in the past and this is a recurring one that is getting nearer to the finalised article every time I revisit it.


    I have wanted to design a true emerger where we have a shuck in the subsurface and a fly emerging on the surface. Here I have managed to get a little bit closer with the idea albeit a little scruffy and inconsistent.


    I have plans for a small jig for creating the fly part and the temporary one that I used for this proves that the idea works and can be viable.


    So watch this space!





    This effort does not give the result that I wanted but has a more balanced look about it. I should have left more of a gap between the shuck part and the fly part but, Hey! Rome was not built in a day!

    Apologies for the colour cast as I could not be arsed to set the white balance!




    Looking at this and comparing it with the video of a hatching insect that gave me the idea still leaves a little to be desired but once the jig is up and running I can replicate the fly part a lot easier than the current method allows.


    Well, I have been back at this again and it is getting to have the look that I am after now, just a few more tweaks and it should be there. Going to give this and his mates a swim sometime this week.




    Taking another look at this and I can see what is needed to get what I want in it.

    If I double up the legs at the thorax area then it will seem more natural, the mixture of glister and dark dun spectrablend seems to give a better appearance to the shuck portion of the fly.

    Moving the emergence point further up the hook shank should make it look the part.


    OK, back to the drawing board, or in this case, back to the jig.

  12. This is inspired by the 'Pinkie' from firefly.


    Different method but should catch a Grayling or two for Tango!


    Materials -


    Hook - Fulling Mill Super Grub size 12

    Thread - UTC Fluo Pink 140 denier

    Abdomen 1 - fine lead wire

    Abdomen 2 - White Ostrich Herl

    Carapace - Thin Skin rubbed with Spice Coloured Marker

    Rib - Bayer Concept 2000 7lb mono (try and find this stuff now!)



    First, prepare your hook with a covering of thread





    Wind on enough fine lead wire to give the weight you want to the fly





    Overwind this with the thread and varnish for security



    Apologies for blurring



    Catch in the ribbing mono and the Thin Skin after making a tapered point on it





    Next catch in your Ostrich herl





    Wind on the herl to about the middle of the hook and then form a hot spot with the thread





    Complete winding the herl to the head and secure with thread





    I give the inside of the Thin Skin a wipe with the broad end of a Spice coloured Promarker to copy the 'natural' before pulling it over the body of the fly.





    Once you have secured the Thin Skin and trimmed it then wind your mono rib up the body without trapping the herl and secure with thread.





    Varnish the head and then the Pinkie, Shrimp, Fly is complete.



  13. Christmas is a pain in the butt!


    People overspend on everything and spend the rest of the year paying it off, stuff themselves stupid, get loaded and fall out.

    Who wants a pair of hand knitted socks by your granny these days?


    Apart from that gripe, Santa better get his ass in gear and deliver a new Greys GRXi waist length fishing waistcoat, a pair of sock foot breathables, compound sole wading boots, 2 Greenheart 6 weight reels, 6 Metz saddles and some hooks!


    Best memories of Christmas were of my daughter making the Christmas day trifle and experimenting with food dyes to 'jazz' it up, the result was something that even Shrek would be put off by with the colour but the taste was fantastic due to the 1/4 bottle of brandy that she tipped into it!

  14. To keep things rolling along :


    Pattern #4


    Hook: Partridge K3A # 16

    Thread: 10/0 gudebrod tan

    Rib: Fine Silver Wire


    Ladystrange your next .........let's see what you have learned about this hook :unsure:


    Ooops! Apologies Flytier.


    I missed this post! You really picked a difficult hook for this pattern, if you are using a tan thread then I will add a rib of fine silver wire.


    Your call LS.

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