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Everything posted by Taco

  1. oops you're right http://www.canadianbands.com/Showdown.html my bad EDIT; looks like my memory gettin' selective too, 1980, thought it was a little earlier than that
  2. *hit man it's an Alberta classic, Gary Lee wrote and sang that song long before Corb Lund was even a twinkle in his old man's eye http://www.angelfire.com/home/hawg/rodeo.html
  3. Ya know, I fished n' hunted in a lot of adverse weather in the past but anyone who went flyfishin' yes'rday is nuckin' futs period
  4. Well Rick it seems we've gone opposites, I sent my Mother to Texas last week NB; no hijack here PS; man up, go fishin' and deal with it.
  5. got a heater in my truck and I'm off to the rodeo
  6. only in about half the places I work, too many blind spots and their coverage seems to magically disappear @ Alberta border, I seldom travel or work along the main routes
  7. Have fun mang, don't let the humidity get to you.
  8. I considered switching from Telus to Bell but found that rates, plans and coverage was pretty much identical between the 2 companies so I stayed w/telus, 6 of one, half dozen of the other.
  9. talkin' n' walkin' dude talkin' n' walkin' :D .......................'course in this weather an envelope will do!
  10. seen a ball-less brass monkey wanderin' around
  11. http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/pop...22&src=news
  12. I believe the dude from East Texas has gone into hidin', bein' so reasonable all the damn time had started to effect his mental stability in an adverse manner................................................or so's the rumour
  13. I pity doubleDee's babysitter 3-4 yrs from now if the kid's anything like his Daddy
  14. Cardston the bootlegger's paradise... only place is the Legion south of town when it's open, don't even think it's in the town limits, hardpressed to even find a can of coke or a decent cup of coffee.
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