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Posts posted by BlueNorther

  1. Be warned if your wives get deep into fly fishing....


    You won't be able to go out and buy those fishing "Accessories" that you "Really need", because if she gets too educated, she'll know that you don't need them <_<


    I'm lucky that my wife lost interest after a few fish and said it wasn't for her. She comes occassionally, but usually just reads a book on the bank, so I can still spend recklessly on equipment and accessories that I "Want"...errr, I mean "need".


    "Honey, my rod has pretty much had it, so I think I'll go down to Gord's and pick up that new T & T H2"....

    "How much?......and didn't you just get a new Sage?"

    "It was over $1000 bucks, but if I pick it up now, He'll give it to me for $850, and that Sage was a gift from a client and is totally the wrong type of rod for the fishing I do.".....

    "What Ever" :D


    A few of my buddies on the other hand, not so lucky. :lol:


    Never had that problem as long as I don't bankrupt the budget.She'd rather see me spend $2000.00 on a new O/U shotgun or new flyrods than piss it away in a bar or gambling like some guys I know.I kinda feel sorry for a freind of mine,he has to account for every dollar he spends while she can spend all she wants on fufu crap and playing bingo.


    I do have too many irons in the fire though,fly fishing and tying,big game hunting (rifle & archery) so there's reloading supplies and arrow making supplies,migratory and upland hunting again more reloading and two hunting dogs,had three.In all these years my loving wife has never complained,well except for the dogs :rolleyes:,she's a cat person.I haven't told her about the big game hunt to Africa yet that I'm planning.That one mighy be a tough sell :unsure: .

  2. Just happened to take my better half out on sunday for her first fishing trip.We went out to Winchell Lk. hoping to get her into a fish.I set her up with a floating line on one of my 5 wt rods and tied on a bh hairs ear.She wasn't comfortable casting from a float tube so I showed her how to just let line out as she finned along.5 minutes later she gets her first hook up but lost it on the second jump,that got her excited.She got about 10 hits in half an hour but still needs to work on her hook set.Finally she hooked up and was able to land an 11 inch bow.She won't touch the fish but I showed her how to release a fish without touching it.


    I let her use an old Caddis tube I have laying around and she wasn't quite comfortable in it,so we made a side trip to the Fishin Hole that afternoon and got her a Fish Cat 4.It's going on its maiden voyage thursday afternoon to Winchell again.


    I'm just stoked over this.We've been married 25 years in August and this is the first time she's showed any interest in fishing.Now I've got a new fishin pard.

  3. They want to see neither...your win card simply puts you on the system and enables you to purchase licenses for fishing and or hunting. As for the cash reciept...that money goes back into the hobby you enjoy. I have a problem with the CO that I called, but no problem with supporting my passion...you sound like you do though. :mellow:



    Actually not true.Last year when I got checked while ice fishing I didn't have my licence on me,still in my fly pack :rolleyes: .The warden checked my WIN and was able to confirm that I did buy a licence.I know that I should've had it on me but he cut me a break.

  4. Boy things have changed over the years,when I fished the Bow down below the 22x you could count on being checked by a warden at least once a week.Twice in a two week span I was checked by two different wardens who were under cover,they walked the bank in waders and flyrods,would strike up a conversation for a couple minutes"How's the fishing?Catching any?"and then ask you to produce an angling licence.And yes they would identify themselves as a game warden with proof of their I.D.


    I loved it,poachers don't see it coming.The second time I was checked I pointed out a couple of Asian guys downstream who were over limit and bait fishing.The warden sauntered down and did what I described above.He nailed em good,they each got a summons and their equipment was confiscated along with the fish(evidence).


    Now I rarely get checked,last winter was the first time in years and we were ice fishing on Burntstick.Bout the only time I see F&W is in big game checks.Which reminds me of a pretty funny story that happened to me and a couple pards last Sept.


    We were rifle hunting for elk down on Smith Creek S.W. of Pincher.My two partners managed to get sprayed by a very pissed off skunk,(there's alot more to this story but I'll leave it at this) he nailed em with everything he had.When we got back to the truck they took off everything they could in modesty and we headed down the road back to camp.Got a couple miles down when a warden going the other way hit us with his lights and stopped us.I was laughing and gagging as he approached the truck cause I knew this was going to be interesting.The warden stepped up to the driver window and got hit full on with the scent of ode to wood p u s s y.His eyes teared up immediatly and he turned away from the truck.He asked us to get out,me fully clothed and my pards in their skivies and we're all busting a gut now.He finally gained his composure and asked us how the hunting was then asked us to produce our licences,which he was hesitant to touch.Now a warden will usually want to inspect any firearms that are in view to make sure they aren't loaded,they're not.He didn't want to get any closer to the cab of that truck than he had to.He took down the plate number of the truck and said to have a good day.We ran into him again the next day and my freind told him we were skunk hunting and had he seen any,that got a good laugh.A week later a Waterton park warden we know was hunting the same ridge when he was charged by the same skunk.He was able to kill it and found out it had a broken front leg.

  5. I saw a guy nail his young grandson in the face a couple weeks ago.Little guy walked behind grampa on his back cast and WHACK!! Got him in the cheek with a BH PT.Luckily he was using barbless like he should be and was able to pull it out without too much trauma.


    In 35 years of FF I've never experienced the pleasure of peircing my body with a fly :rolleyes: ,hope I go another 35 years.

  6. I have the Streamer XL,this is my 3rd season with it and I like it.Didn't care for the mesh cargo holder on the back so I had a freind make an aluminum deck for it.Now my cooler stays out of the water.


    I fished for years out of one of the original Caddis U boats but my back couldn't take it any more.What I like about the toon is only my legs from mid calf down are in the water,so I can fish with hip waders or in warmer lakes just shorts and a pair of sneakers and fins.The outer shell on the Streamer is rated good for abrasion resistance from rocks and the pontoons are 8 feet long which I've heard is the minimum if you want to float rivers safely.


    Also keep in mind you still by law have to have a PFD and a whistle while on the water.I got a warning two years ago for that on the K Lakes.

  7. I was charged by a griz last september while bow hunting for elk S.W. of Pincher Creek.That was a 10+ on the pucker factor.To compound it,it was 4:30 in the morning on a ridge in thick aspens.We were walking up the ridge to get into some meadows before daylight to call and glass for a bull we saw the evening before.The first thing we heard that something was wrong was a low gutteral growl followed by the sound of popping teeth off to the left.Our head lamps were on red lense to keep any glare from warning any game of our advance up the ridge.We switched over to spotlight at the first growl and were trying to see the bear,it didn't take long,that bear came in like a freight train slapping the ground with its front paws for three or four bounds.It came to a stop at about 20 yards from us on the trail,looked us over for what seemed like an eternity,probably only a few seconds and then left the trail and headed off into the aspens.While all this happened I was only aware of the bear and my partner,after it was over the adrenaline rush was amazing.I didn't know whether to throw up or crap my drawers or both.After about ten minutes we gathered our wits about us and continued to the top of the ridge,I'll tell you my spidey sences were tingling.I was attuned to every noise and smell on that ridge.We broke the top with an hour till sunrise and I was never so glad to see the sun come up in my life.

  8. Like others have said,too hard to pick just one.I can remember following Dad along the South Platte in Colorado or the Cache La Poudre,not old enough to handle a flyrod but if he hooked up he'd hand it over to me to try and land it.Then there were our 10 day forays up into the Kananaskis Lakes with my four brothers and Dad.Back then there were no crowds,sometimes we'd have that whole country to ourselves.At one time there were Kokanee salmon in the lower K.First time I'd seen Dad not able to I.D. a fish,a warden finally was able to tell us what they were.I miss those trips alot but now I'm making memories with my kids and nephews.

  9. Just cut the hook off and let em go.I've caught a few fish that broke off from previous anglers and the hooks have pretty much been dissolved.One was a 12 inch rainbow that had taken a # 10 fly.when I was taking my fly out I noticed something in its throat.I reached in with my hemostats and pulled out a royal coachman that was dissolved at the bend of the hook.

  10. don't get too impressed Russells was acquired by Wholesale so no reason not to get same price. haven't been to the new store just b/c generally the service is so bad in wholesale (eg. fishing section guy tells me oh yeah this stuff is the same as aquaseal but way cheaper - after applying copius amounts to waders found out that it is quite a bit different than aquaseal). but perhaps time to give the new store a chance.


    George has been doing that long before Wholesale aquired Russells.I like to to compare prices and would prefer to buy from Wholesales,so if I see something that Russells has cheaper I'll tell George,he'll make a call to confim it and give it to me at that price.A couple of times he's even beaten the price.

  11. I do all my shopping at Wholesale except for archery equipment.I have a good repoir(sp) with most of the staff whether it be guns,reloading or fishing.


    Really like the layout of the new place,it doesn't seem so crowed like the old place.They are having staffing problems but are working on it.

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