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New Federal Election...

Guest Sundancefisher

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Guest Sundancefisher

Well the Liberals are marching along like they need a new election.


Like why would the Liberal think that while coming out of a recession that we need to spend a bunch of money on an election. They forced the Conservatives to spend way more than they wanted to putting the country deep in a deficit when we could of prudently pulled up our pants and waited it out a bit more.


How can the Liberals do any better when they proved for years that they really are not much different than the Tories...they both say stupid things, do stupid things, act stupidly in Commons, have some stupid MP's.


In the end...just a bunch of hot air whiners wanting more power rather than doing their job as a politician. Supporting the needs and wishes of their consituents.






I need another election like I need a hole in the fishing rod...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Sundancefisher
Well the Liberals are marching along like they need a new election.


Like why would the Liberal think that while coming out of a recession that we need to spend a bunch of money on an election. They forced the Conservatives to spend way more than they wanted to putting the country deep in a deficit when we could of prudently pulled up our pants and waited it out a bit more.


How can the Liberals do any better when they proved for years that they really are not much different than the Tories...they both say stupid things, do stupid things, act stupidly in Commons, have some stupid MP's.


In the end...just a bunch of hot air whiners wanting more power rather than doing their job as a politician. Supporting the needs and wishes of their consituents.






I need another election like I need a hole in the fishing rod...


Liberals are looking strongly like they want to spend needless money on an election in a bad recession. More Liberal waste to follow past mistakes. Can't they read the polls? I would think Canadians like this current government. Nobody has carte blanche power in Parliament.


I love Iggy saying how he is all about Canadians. He left for how many years? He supplied support on what he called his country (USA). He also stated the best Canadians travel and yet most do not. Are the rest of us Canadian Trash?


While Harper ain't the best fish in the lake... I can't see anyone producing someone better.

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Think they'll have one? I would count on their own self-interest:


National Post, today:


"The survey examined the number of MPs who were first elected in June 2004 and are less than a year away from having the six years of service required to qualify for a government pension that can kick in at age 55.


It found that 74 MPs with several years of experience could find themselves without a pension, if they fail to hold onto their seats, and in the same boat as those elected for the first time in the 2008 election."


Further: "But if there is no election before next summer, 36 Conservatives, 16 Bloc Quebecois MPs, 14 Liberals and eight New Democrats can qualify for a pension that would give them at least $25,000 a year based on the minimum MP salary that now stands at $157,731 per year."


Still think there will be an election?


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Well I'm going to have to a agree that I don't really like the idea of an election right now but I'd also say that if Harper is looking or somebody to blame he ought to be looking right in the mirror.


Harper is a weasel. One of the things that may trigger an election soon is, IMO, a perfect reason for calling him a weasel. It may surprise a lot of people to hear this but the Home Reno Tax credit that has been advertised by the government and every building supply store in the country isn't actually law yet, it was never voted on. The actual vote is soon and Harper has decided to make it a confidence motion so if the opposition parties decide to bring him down he has a big stick he can wack them with during the campaign. He's fighting tool and claws just to maintain his position, it's not like he has some sort of platform he's trying to push through to better the country. Every move he makes is calculated to better his party's image not the country.


Five years ago I would have argued passionately that what Canada needed going forward was minority government, possibly a coalition. It's not that unusual in western democracies and a lot of countries seem to be able to function in that situation but our country can't. Our politicians, an all sides, are absolutely unable to work with each other, not that they've tried very hard.


We need to bounce the whole bunch out and elect someone that understands what the word compromise means.



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Guest Sundancefisher
Think they'll have one? I would count on their own self-interest:


National Post, today:


"The survey examined the number of MPs who were first elected in June 2004 and are less than a year away from having the six years of service required to qualify for a government pension that can kick in at age 55.


It found that 74 MPs with several years of experience could find themselves without a pension, if they fail to hold onto their seats, and in the same boat as those elected for the first time in the 2008 election."


Further: "But if there is no election before next summer, 36 Conservatives, 16 Bloc Quebecois MPs, 14 Liberals and eight New Democrats can qualify for a pension that would give them at least $25,000 a year based on the minimum MP salary that now stands at $157,731 per year."


Still think there will be an election?




I think power corrupts absolutely. Politicians are greedy enough to do anything for more power. I would say of those looking for re-election and want the pension...how many really feel that they would lose or have history showing they will win as many areas vote along party lines. Would an Albertan Conservative worry about losing an election to the NDP etc? Of the 74 you mentioned probably only 10 to 20 would have any serious concerns about re-election in those ridings where the party splits are close.


The Liberals are itching for an election as they feel they are helping make the government work which looks bad to their internal power struggles. It galls me that when one party wins a majority the other parties complain that they have no say and when there is a minority and they have a say they complain they are not in power. I say man up boys and make it work and stop whining like freaking toddlers wanting more cake.

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Actually the Liberals are the official Opposition, it's their obligation to oppose the government and point out faults.


Why must the Liberals support the government, can't the NDP or Bloc do it? Given the attack ads on Ignatief, I dont think the Reform-err- Conservatives are doing anything to compromise. Just Harper's continued arrogance is all I see.


Regards Mike

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