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River Access Rights


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I was at the Southland Off-leash Dog Park and was surprised to see new fencing along the river. It was posted as a "nature reserve". The fencing prevents direct access to the river except at the pedestrian bridge. What are our rights to walk the shore? Did the City consult with any fishing organizations prior to closing access?

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I too was down there last week and noticed the new fencing. However, there are no signs that I've seen to date that say you can't walk on the other side of the fence. There is actually a few spots un-meshed, which allow you to access the river. I think the main reason the fencing was up was to contain the off-leash dog activity. I think its quite a nice balance, as the dogs have their place to run, the path is now free for bikers to ride unharrasased, and the fencing will help protect sensitive streamside areas. Look at it as a plus, there will be less dogs chasing after your flies now!



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