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New Spey Rods


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Was up on Ness-side with Scott Mackenzie this morning trying out his prototype Double handers, and all i can say is WOW, just awesome and i mean awesome, from the 12ft to the 16ft , they are just wicked. :eek:

Hopefully i will manage to steal a couple to bring over when i get back to the Bow, the action on the rods is just stunning, i got to steal a couple.


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Hi Headscan,

I think they will handle just about anything, i will bring some over and you can try them out with different lines, i even like the 12ft, and you know i normally like the bigger sticks.

Scott has been out testing most days this last 6 months, and i saw the rods he has been testing, there must have been over a hundred, all rejected. :eek:

These rods will be developed by a Speycaster for Speycasters.

Will steal them if i have to , we are buddies......... but i know where they are ....AND I'M HAVIN SOME.



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Hey Max,

The 12ft will be a 7wt, the 13ft 8wt UK rating, as for the action i would say its a fast action, at least the recovery is fast with out the rod being stiff, you can feel the power all the way through the cast , they all cast the dogs bollocks, casting half way across the river Ness with a 12ft rod with a standard line and not a shooting head. :eek:

They are pretty much dailed in, but remember fly lines made in the UK and the US are different at times as much as 2 wt's, so there will be a grain weight window, but you will find most UK rods will be ok with a wide line weight window because of the action.



I have to admit i spent probably more time with the Ladies rods.... just loved the 12ft, just so different from others i have tried out, its no noodle , remember Scott desgined a rod ......and them beat everybody in the world of Speycasting distance a couple of months later.

I will have some with me as soon as they are ready, or like i said i will steal a couple.


I don't know why, but this year there are more new Spey toys out on the Market in the UK than ever before, but i already know some of the companies will not market in North merica, the word is out the Scierra spent a lot of time and money in the US and have now pulled out to concentrate in Euro land.


Today i have to set up 14 trout rods for guys to try, they are all more than qualified to try the rods out, as they are full time Fishery Insrtuctors, Qualified casting Insructors and outright hooligans, a kinda get together to see what everybody likes, the deal is they pick what the like most on test, mark down 1 2 10 without telling each other and we see what turns out to be the best, and what gets binned.

A bit of fun at the fishery, on what looks like its going to be a nice day with no wind.

Got to go go go.








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so are tehy full flexing? or tip flexing? would love too give teh 12 adn 13 fter a go if u are hear for the expo or even the spring. u were fighing long lines? midbellies? i take it how do they do with sinktips? or have u jsut bin tossing drylines?

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Thanks Gord...how did the casting go??

Have been casting some of the new Hardy, of course Snowbee ,Clan and a few Loomis,Beulah and Sage rods these past few months and have to say I definitely appreciate the feel of the Snowbee and Clan rods. There is something to the feel of those deep fast reaction type rods that many NA manufacturers seem to miss. HAving recently been fishing the bigger waters with the new Z-Axis 14'3 and the Angel , on Sunday past I for the hell of it put a 530 CND Skagit Head and 16' of Rio Type 6 on Snowbee's 12' 6/7 wt. Torridge...likely because I have had those big rods lately as soon as I did my first cast I immediately recognized the depth this rod has... the flex flows smoothly but the recovery is almost immediate...the loops crisp and deliberate, and well, distance is superb. What I have noticed ,especially in the past 5 years is the considerable differences between european and NA rods developements. This is obvious because my casting style is very traditional mixed of course with the "Modern Casting style". I have really taken to liking those rods that consistantly develope a power surge from loading ,and slowly permit me to accelerate at various speeds my forward stroke with either hand. So for me that means I like a deep fast and not full flexing rod.

The Clan rod has this as does the Snowbee 12', 12'6" and their 13' rod as did the Hardy Gem and the Elite.

Just my thoughts for the evening...looking forward to playing with those new rods


Hi MAx...

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Hi Guys,

Been crazy busy.... i should be chillin oot, but no.

Max , the easy way is for me to steal a couple and bring them over in the Spring, i wont be at the show in January, its way to early for me to get the latest stuff, the rods have been tested as always with floating and big heavy sunk lines, we fish alot of full sunk lines, and Scott would'nt make a rod that can't handle just about anything...... have you seen him cast. :eek: , if there is anybody in the world of Speycasting that knows how to give a test rod a good work out , its him.

Will try and get some for the Spring.


The Trout rod test of 9ft and 9ft 6in , was good fun, 4 broken , and 3 marked down as rubbish, the best on test will now go get some changes made to the finish and hopefully come out in the spring in the UK.

Got one more test of 10ft rods and 10ft 6in (more for fishing sitting down in a boat) will be next month, the samples are here, but still in there boxes.

Mr C, it sounds like your havin fun with the rods, i hope some of the UK companies keep an interest in the market over the pond, but with a couple of the companies pulling out of the market in North America, they are really killing the interest of others.

I Think the Hardy Salmon rods will become the rod the price deserves, With Ian Gordon on board they will i'm sure turn out some really quality rods.

Ian has a great track record over the years in Rods, lines ect.

I am trying to talk Scott and Ian as well as a couple of the other guys to come to Calgary.. do a demo and some teaching........ and have a few beers.

Will work on them some more after Xmas



Enjoy casting the rods Mr C, the Clan will handle a big Grain window i'm sure, if you get the chance try the 15ft Ghillie's choice, o and i was up havin Coffee with Harry a week or so ago, see the new toys he has made, will take some pic's.

Max, keep going to the mountains.. love the pic's on Facebook, and i will bring some toys in the Spring for ya to try oot.


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