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Bc Salmon Fisheries Crisis


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My home waters are in BC although I spend allot more time fishing in Alberta of late. I don't how many of you follow how tragically our salmon stocks are being managed in the far west but here's a decent article:




It depresses me more than deteriorating board etiquette, crowded water or bull trout being fished in spawn. In fact this issue makes all issues we like to nitpick about here look silly. The chances are very good that our children will never get to see a decent salmon fishery. This issue is part and parcel with the diminishing steelhead returns as well. I only wish more people would vote with this on their mind.



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My home waters are in BC although I spend allot more time fishing in Alberta of late. I don't how many of you follow how tragically our salmon stocks are being managed in the far west but here's a decent article:




It depresses me more than deteriorating board etiquette, crowded water or bull trout being fished in spawn. In fact this issue makes all issues we like to nitpick about here look silly. The chances are very good that our children will never get to see a decent salmon fishery. This issue is part and parcel with the diminishing steelhead returns as well. I only wish more people would vote with this on their mind.




I had thought things were improving. When I left Vancouver Island in '95 fishing in the the Staights was really bad. My friends that still live there say it is vastly improved in the past 5 years. Can't argue with the numbers though I guess.

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You should think about joining the Wild Salmon Alliance if you're not already a member. Here's a link to their website http://www.wildsalmonalliance.ca/. I'm pretty sure that Pacreseltoro posted a thread on this several months ago in the News and Discussions forum...sadly like most threads in that forum not many people read it. That post made me aware of the truly serious problem that BC Salmon fisheries are facing...not only in the Broughton region but throughout the province.

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