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What Would You Say Is The Most Sought After Fly Rod/reel Combo

Guest Sundancefisher

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Guest Sundancefisher

I was just wondering what people would buy today if they could get one rod/reel of their size.


I am thinking if it were for my boys I would go with a 5 weight. If it were for me an extra 8, 10 or 12 would be nice.





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Depends on what I am using the rod for.


For example, The bow I would use a 6wt Double Hander / Dries on the bow I would use either a 5wt or 6wt single hand (Not cofiedent enouh yet to lay my line out to be effective with the double hander)


On the crow, highwood, sheep, etc.... I would use a 3wt, unless I am hunting bull trout which I then use a 8wt skagit two hander for this.


Really depends on what you plan on using it for, its all about having the right tool for the right thing.

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5 or 6 for me as well. I started with a 6 weight and used for all fishing and with success. Now I have other rods for specific used as bhurt touches on. But for a first rig or a one rig for all either a 5 or 6. Buy a TFO man. I love those rods and they are super quality at a more super price with a lifetime warranty. Check out their website. In my opinion anyway. All my rods are TFO (Temple Fork Outfitters). Cool to hear you're getting your boys into tossing a fly. Happy fishing!



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