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Hey folks,

This is my first post!

I'm travelling from Ireland in July to spend some time in the Sundre area. I have stayed in Alberta before(my wife is from Alberta!), and had the pleasure of fishing with "Bowcrow" guides, on The Bow and Crowsnest rivers. Great trips! As I'm fishing alone, guided trips are very expensive. Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced guide in the Sundre area? Also, I'm interested in any links to info. on fishing the mountain streams in the area. I have Jim McLennon's books, but Im interested in more detailed local info., as I hope to get to know the area better, and fish alone. Although, as I'm a city dweller form Dublin, that wouldn't know one end of a bear from the other, one may reconsider!

My preference is to fish smaller waters.


Tight lines,



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Hi greenpeter, when you get here stop at any canadian tire or tackle shop and pick up Barry Michells alberta fishing guide. or his book on the forestry trunk road "albertas trout highway".


for bears generally Make some noise(I find some Whiskey in the Jar sung off key works), and for a last resort I ussually carry bear spray (a type of pepper spay) or bear bangers (not sausages like the brits eat) a type a loud noise maker to send a bear running.


hope this helps.


Tight lines


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Hi greenpeter, when you get here stop at any canadian tire or tackle shop and pick up Barry Michells alberta fishing guide. or his book on the forestry trunk road "albertas trout highway".


for bears generally Make some noise(I find some Whiskey in the Jar sung off key works), and for a last resort I ussually carry bear spray (a type of pepper spay) or bear bangers (not sausages like the brits eat) a type a loud noise maker to send a bear running.


hope this helps.


Tight lines


Hey Teck,

thanks for the reply, will pick up those publications for sure! Making noise whille stalking that big trout?? how does that work?



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