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Here We Go Again

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Okay guys - time to sharpen your quills and contact you MP - yet again. Or if you want, putting cursor to screen will work as well ;)


As we all know, Bill C-45 was shelved last year on the premise that more public input would be sought. Guess what? The Bill that supersedes it - Bill C-32 is up for second reading next week. What's that you say - where was the public involvement?


That's exactly what I'm trying to find out. Was anyone on this forum involved in any related meetings? I have asked my MP for feedback in this matter, but since he hadn't provided anything since committing to keeping me informed last February - I'm not holding my breath.


And since I am not the expert on the subject - please check out this link from my colleague Bill Otway at the Sportfishing Defence Alliance. His letter does a much better job at summing things up: http://www.defendsportfishing.com/


I know it was an uphill battle trying to get anyone interested in this issue last year. Maybe things have changed. Who's prepared to let their MP know what they think?


Tight Lines!



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Hey Frank,


Bill c-32 is this one that we looked at back in November.

http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?...ic=2469&hl= (The links in the Quote are still good).

I'm not sure if anybody here looked at it in much detail (hard to find on gov't sites).

I'm on the fence... existing legislation is good and would be excellent if enforced, but there is some intriguing stuff in the new bill.


I don't see it on the agenda (not saying it won't come up...), but there is something about bulk water removals from Canada, Ammending the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, putting in source water protection (pointless waste of resources... they should enforce existing protective legislation).


Looking over the SportFishing Defence Alliance website, I'm not sure I support them. They have some pushes that I disagree with, like fighting to keep the Fraser River Sockeye fishery open. That was a mistake as now becoming apparent.

They seem to be more anti-native and anti-gov't than pro-fish... but I have a very ignorant view of them now.


Thanks for bringing this to attention.




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