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Absolutely awe inspiring. I HAVE dreamed of flying. And being able to breathe under water, but that's a different story.


When I was a wee-er tiny-er lass, there was a red jumper that I called my magic jumper. For a long time I would tell my little friends that when no one was looking, I could fly. Wearing my magic jumper I could spin at the top of the big hardwood staircase, the jumper would fill with air and I would float to the bottom of the steps without touching even one.


Then you get older and stop believing in magic and realize that with all that spinning you're just too dizzy to KNOW how you got to the bottom of the steps.


I gotta get me one of them flyin' suits. Holee smokes!

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that's jut plain crazy - not for the faint of heart for sure. I don't think, even if I did have the cajones to try one of those suits, that I'd even get within 100 feet of a cliff let alone 1. Imagine seeing something like that coming out of the sky at you. Wow. This must be the latest for thrill seekers. Those crazy Europeans think of everything!

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