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Fly Fishing In The Reef - Any Info ?

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Anybody done any fly fishing in the reefs of Mexico, Cuba or any of the Caribbean Islands? I'm not talking about chasing bones in the flats but from a boat in the shallow reef. Deano and I were down in Cuba last year and we wanted to do some fishing but not deep sea. We talked to some locals who told of us of a guide who takes people out on the shallow reef for a few hours of fishing at a good price. We did not bring any gear down with us so we asked if everything was supplied, they said yes everything is included, we then asked if they had fly fishing rods and they said si si rods included. I repeated do they have fly fishing rods you know long rods with different reels and different line and I made a casting motion. He responds oh si si many types of rods all types yes. so anyway we booked a trip for the day.


We had a van come pick us up and take us to the pier the next day where we met this captain as well as 2 couples that were also going on the trip with us and guess what - there were many types of rods on the boat red ones, blue ones, yellow ones but no fly rods LOL!! Cuba is like Mexico I guess you can't leave anything to chance you gotta make sure you know exactly what your getting before yo dish over the cash. I was expecting it would just be us on a smaller boat with a personal guide/captain doing some flyfishing. My friend from mexico has a saying TMD Typical Mexican Deal well I guess this was TCD. I'm not a guy who whines about things when on vacation I know things are different in some of these countries so I just go with the flow and enjoy the experience. Besides our guide Orlando was a good guy and although I don't speak fluent Spanish after I told him what we were sold and that we would still go anyway he made a phone call to the guy we booked with and it sounded like a good reaming out but who knows ... he could have just been screaming at the guy saying thanks for sending me this sucker good job!!! LOL!!


Any way we were off to go do some reef fishing with spinning gear ... but guess what no lures we were going to be using cut up shrimp ... yay we were off to do some good old fashioned bait dunking.


The trip turned out pretty fun for not flyfishing check the video below to see what took place.


My question to you folks is have you done any fly fishing from a boat in the shallow reef because I think it would be fun catching all these crazy different fish on every cast on a flyrod.


if anyone has can you tell me where and who you went with





enjoy the video


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