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Follow up. Taken from the great World Encyclopedia (Wikipedia):


Despite considerable discussion on the Internet and in the lay media, there have been almost no careful studies, published in peer reviewed scientific literature, on effects of electromagnetic field exposure on honeybees. One of the few peer-reviewed studies was published in 1981 by Gary and Westerdahl. This study was conducted as part of a research program to assess possible environmental impacts of solar power satellite systems, which would beam immense amounts of microwave energy from satellites to receiving stations on the ground to be converted into electrical power. The investigators measured flight, orientation, and memory functions in honeybees after 30 minutes' exposure to 2.45-GHz continuous-wave microwaves at power densities from 30 to 500 watts per square meter - similar in frequency to that used by mobile phone networks but at far higher power densities than produced at nearly all locations from base station antennas except very close to the antennas. The investigators found "no evidence that airborne invertebrates would be significantly affected during transient passage through microwaves associated with solar power satellite ground-based microwave receiving stations."[85] This issue (of effect of microwave energy on honeybees) has reappeared in context of the present controversy about possible health risks of wireless communications systems. However, no studies have appeared that have an adequate experimental design and exposure assessment to allow reliable conclusions to be drawn.


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Guest frypan

watched a report on honey bees the othar night where they said honey bees do better in citys than in the country ; flies in the face of the report you link to.

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