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Fly Tying Equipment?

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I teach Jr. High in Lacombe and for our last trimester (starting end of March and going to end of June) I'd like to teach basic fly tying as an option. I have nearly 20 sets of vises, bobbins, etc that I can borrow from a nearby school but I need another 5-10 sets before I can offer it as an option.


Anybody out there with that many basic sets that I can borrow or does anyone know someone (or an organization?) I might contact that does?


Eventually, if the class goes well I'd like to buy a class set but right now, budgets are ridiculously tight so borrowing is the only way I can swing it at the moment.


Thanks for any info that you can send my way.



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I'd be willing to donate two old vices I have kicking around and might be able to scrape up one or two others from some buddies. PM me an address where I can send it to. Do you need any materials?


I just read in a recent magazine of accredited college courses focused on fly-fishing and tying. I think this is a great idea and applaud you for getting the younger generation into it! Anything we as a community can do to help is the least we can do.

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