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Posts posted by Brad29

  1. I have a Marquis #6 that an uncle found in the basement of a house he bought. Unfortunately the reel foot is curved and will cost about $150 to replace, according to Hardy. I wonder if that says anything about the value of it ? Probably not. However, I am wondering if your reel also has a curved foot? If so, maybe it was a design to match specific rods.


    The reel I have is a #5 and the foot is straight.

  2. Stimulators, elk hair caddis, bwo, pmd, parachute, chernobyl ant, grasshopper. Various colours and styles of each. After you use a variety you will probablely pick your favourites as have I.

  3. Great Pics...Very Nice...I remember the 1st time I heard bout these monsters....I think I spent half a day researching them on the net....Wow, they look like over Grown Bullies to me....Here are a couple links to some cool vids...








    I too researched those fish quite a bit when I first heard about them, any fish that size that will hit a dryfly is awesome. I believe they are a salmonid. I would give my left nut to go on a trip for those big bastards.

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