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Everything posted by dmelenberg

  1. Kinda looks like a stingray with its wings clipped...?
  2. Okay Weddy1, I went, I saw, I returned... and I saw both - but I do not know how I did it! so tell us, how do we do it? How can we see it go both ways? what's the trick?
  3. Well, I rented a 10foot kayak today and floated the Bow, Bowness to Shouldice - short trip but I wanted to see if it could be done. I brought my dry fly rod and spent time casting and floating, righting and paddling, and casting some more. (No, I did not have a fly on the end as it's off season now) but I think it went very well. I could see that I would need a couple of gimmicks like a paddle holder and a rod holder whilst I'm working one or the other. but the kayak was easy to handle, quick to manouvre, fast in crossing the river if I decided to go the slow side. and it was a simple blessing to just float and watch the line float ahead of me, or beside me. I also floated over my favorite hole and saw a huge bowie three feet under the kayak! it never flinched as I crossed right over it! next time I will take my waders and stop a while here or there and try out some new holes! all in all, I am excited about the possibilities.
  4. Maxwell, that would be great - once your done bullying the bing, please do send it my way. 4822 - 21 ave NW. T3B0W9. mucho apprecciatio!
  5. I've been wondering about all the fuss down south about kayak angling... and wondering if anyone north of the border has done any flyfishing from a kayak. if you have - care to share? where'd you fish? lake, stream or river? dryfly or wetfly? type of kayak? and any suggestions: pros or cons? Dale
  6. Good Questions by LoneFisher. I am eager to hear the answers... BWO's... October Caddis... riffles, swells, and subsurface, not to mention baitfish. I guess that's what this Chat room is all about. thanks in advance!
  7. Much obliged MTB and bbb, I did have fun trying the techniques. thanks for the encouragement! cya on the river, FH&D.
  8. So I bought me some streamers - to give it a go... but when I hit the water, I knew I was in over my head. So yeah, I would like to know when is a good time for streamers, and back to my original question - current or eddy - where do I 'cast' them? after realizing that I didn't have any idea on how to use them well, I resorted back to dries. But truly, how do I use a streamer? do I place it in an eddy, and draw it back to me (kinda like a spinner might work)? or do I place it in the current? I think my ranking on this website is newbie, but it also pertains to my prowess thus far.
  9. sorry it took me so long to come and check what you all have written... but thanks for the chat. the bottom line as I read it is this: if you want big fish, use big hooks. and go to where the big fish are - by using nymphs and streamers. cool! while I do like the feel of tight lines (Carlodabroads signature) and could fish all day catching the littluns, I do want to land a few bigguns, so it looks like I need a lesson or two on nymphs and streamers. any suggestions where to go?
  10. So here's my dealio... this has happened to me more than once. I'm dry flying downstream of an island in the bow - right where the two currents converge. I usually float the fly into the convergence. within 5 to 15 minutes I catch an 8 to 12 inch bow with a size 16 caddis. so I figure that I'm using the right fly - but I want something bigger! I want to do battle with the likes of what you all say you're catching - 20-24 inchers. so where do I find the big ones? in the current? or in the eddies? do I up the size of the caddis? I might be flying high and dry, but that does not mean I want to be empty handed. I want to tell fish stories! :)
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