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  1. I like the royal f up
  2. Broke my Orivs TLS a couple weeks back at bullshead. A fish got away from me before I got the hook out, and it knocked my rod onto the rocks. The wait time at Orivs is 12-14 weeks right now, so it looks like I might be needing another rod. Anybody have any comments on the Sage VT2?
  3. Country Pleasures is, I think, the only place that sells Orvis rods in Calgary. It's a good shop, it's where I got my clearwater from.
  4. I've got a clearwater 4 wt. and like it quite a bit. I believe its similar in quality to the TFO, and although I like the way it casts a little better than the TFO, I would recommend getting the TFO for the same price range. The rods are similar enough but I much prefer Temple Fork as a company compared to Orvis. Whatever you do I would greatly discourage you from purchasing from their website. Unless you want your personal information "rented" (not sold for the record) to "very selective and reputable companies" (anyone and everyone selling anything from embroidered chordoray pants to weird full body silk underwear sets to clear plastic kayaks etc.). After using Orvis's website once I now get roughly 2-3 junk catalogues a month from them and other companies they've "rented my info to". Orvis makes decent gear, but I don't think I'll buy so much as a fly line from them again.
  5. Ahhh, gotta love that Jurassic Park science.
  6. Check out www.ecost.com too. They will convert to CAD and calculate all shipping, duties, and GST on your order. I saved over a hundred dollars several years ago with them. I've actually been thinking of getting one of these and just did a quick cost comparison for the 790SW. ecost.com is ~$312 including GST and shipping. Futureshop is ~$350 (329.99w/o tax right now). So you'd save a little bit I guess. The W30 is ~365 at ecost.com, and ~318 (299.99w/o tax) at futureshop. Wow, futureshop is actually cheaper. That kind of surprises me.
  7. Production of heavy oil is increasing and the incentives to initiate investment probably aren't needed, so royalties for heavy oil should probably should be higher than they are. However, they should have been implememnted slowly over the last 5+ years. Of course Ralfy was asleep at the wheel as usual and it will all come to a head tommorrow with what I'm guessing will be a good 5-10% dip in the market. I wish these guys would stop waiting and waiting and waiting and then making apparant snap decisions. Oh well, only 80-90% of my investments are in oil and gas. I guess it could be worse.
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