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Posts posted by marshall

  1. Up to the season I've only been fishing a 6wt. set up and in the process used a range of tippet from 4X to 2X for different situations.


    However for this season I've added a nice 4wt. to the options list specifically for some more dry fly action. The questions I have is whether or not, with this new set up, I should also expand my tippet selection to included 5X or lighter or am I safe enough to continue using my 4X?


    Any input you guys could provide would be much appreciated!

  2. So I was reading an article the other day regarding the use of sink tip lines and the benefit of using them. To be honest, I can think of only one time I've used a sink tip line in and around the Calgary Area.


    This article discussed the fact that using sink tips regularly for nymphs and streamers is a good approach. It also mentioned that casting with a sink tip is far easier than swinging a ton of split shot on your line, something I could definitely see the advantage of.


    Do any of you use sink tips regularly out on the Bow or other local rivers for nymphs and streamers? Also, if you do use stink tips, do most of you have a separate spool with specific line or do you have a set up of shooting heads that include sink tips?


    As always, I appreciate any insight you all might have.

  3. I've been doing a little research lately and I'm planning on putting together a new 4wt. outfit for next year. Right now I've only been using a 6 wt. and after a couple days out using a friends 4wt. I love the feel of something lighter in some situations.


    Lately I've been leaning towards a Scott A2 series, though I am some what stumped on the pros and cons of using a 8'0 vs. a 9'0 length and vice verse. With the exception of a shorter rod being useful in tight situations and a longer rod making mends easier, are there things I should consider when picking a length? Will the length play a part in line control?


    As always….thanks for your input guys!

  4. I'm planning on heading down to the Bow on Saturday for the first time in a month or more.


    With the cooler fall temps now, is there still enough action in the water around 8am? Or would I just be wasting my time until the water warms up a bit later in the morning? Also, am I going to have the most luck hitting the deeper, slower runs in the fall now?


    Thanks for the advice guys! This is my first fall flyfishing and I'm really loving it so far.

  5. I was out at my favorite spot in the NW last night and I came prepared with a headlamp to stay well after it got dark out. I was pretty impressed with how different it is at night, especially last night with the amount of fish that were rising as soon as the sun set.


    Anyways, the biggest problem I had was being about to see my fly! I'm just curious how you guys approach fishing at night and whether to still fish a variety of drys, nymphs, and streamers or only some? I'm sure if I could have seen my caddis I would have had some great luck with it!


    Also, I've also heard of some guys using glow in the dark paste, has anyone ever tried this? How would you work something like this?


    As always, thanks for all of your insight on this!

  6. I'm planning on heading out around 6am tomorrow for a morning of wading on the Bow. I live downtown, but I'm debating between hitting up 22x or Policeman's Flats.


    I've been spending most of my time on the Bow in the NW, but wouldn't mind something a little different. Can anyone recommend the best place for a little early morning wading?

  7. Hello All!


    This is my first post on Fly Fish Calgary after stumbling upon this forum a couple days ago. I can already tell that this is going to be an awesome resource with so many local guys on here!


    I realize that my question is very similar to post lamponius has below, however I too am finding I'm putting in my time out on the water with not much luck. Lately I've been heading down to Sandy Beach and having been working the water with everything from Caddis to Copper Johns and various streamers (mostly buggers) between there and the Calgary Golf Club. (I apologize if this is too specific of a location!)


    Is that a good beginner place for someone like myself? Are there other places on the Elbow that would work better or even better spots on the Bow?


    Finally, even if the waters I have been checking out are good choices, I think that my problem might like with habitat choices. I usually test my luck with streamers and nymphs in some of the deeper pools and then dry flies around the eddies and pools in and at the end of rapid sections.


    Any help you guys could provide would be very appreciated! As lamponius mentioned in his post, as this stage a spot where I am going to land some fish would be awesome, then at least I'll know I'm doing a couple things right.

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