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  1. I feel fIshIng reports are a good thIng. I joIned thIs forum to meet some folks, make some new frIends and maybe learn a few thIngs doIng It. I have fIshed the bow sInce I was a young chIld. I grew up just a couple blocks from the rIver and was lucky enough to spend countless hours walkIng shorelInes wIth my old man. We met numerous men and women who also had a love for fly fIshIng and wouldn't hesItate to let you know what was workIng at the tIme. We were all novIces at one poInt In our lIves and many of us dId learn to love/hate the Bow rIver the hard way. How many tImes have you ran Into fellow anglers and stopped to have a chat? Asked what they are bItIng on? I agree that puttIng In your tIme Is necessIty on thIs fIshery as It can be extremely hot or very cold fIshIng. And many of us have put In a LOT of mIles on It. We all have our secret spots and for all I know someone else may consIder those spots theIr secret spots as well. I am proud to catch fIsh out of the rIver but just gettIng out to do It Is the bIggest reward to me. CatchIng healthy fIsh Is a defInIte bonus. Now a days, my bIg reward Is teachIng my 2 boys to fly fIsh In the Bow rIver. I am even prouder when they use what I have told/showed them to do so. I wIll not tell them everythIng I know, because some of the best memorIes I have are of learnIng thIngs on my own. ExperIence Is our greatest teacher as far as I am concerned and many of us have put In a great deal of tIme to gather thIs knowledge and experIence. I read the rIver reports, I talk to other fIsherman, I apprecIate people's knowledge and experIence. I won't gIve up my secret spots but I'll defInitely help out fellow fIsherman and fIsher women any way I can. Jay
  2. I just received an order from Flydealflies. The flies were well tied and very reasonably priced. I only bought some dry flies and a few nymphs but they look good. Interested to see how they will hold up.
  3. Thanks guys
  4. I am wondering if there is a shuttle service for vehicle/trailer pick up folks are using in and around Calgary? I have tried to search but have had no luck.
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