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Posts posted by gjtayl

  1. I think what's worth noting is that as small (10.5' to 12') two handed rods get shorter they get more difficult to spey cast. There is really not much difference between a switch or small spey other than length. If you think you might occasionally cast single hand err towards the shorter side. If you are buying just for swinging you might choose something longer. In my experience 11' to 11'6 is a real enjoyable length for a small two hander.

  2. Lornce, You're right. I lost several dollars worth of pennies before I realized the idea was to take the baggie off and weigh it. Seriously though, the weight in a baggie trick works well. I used it on a two handed rod as well. Bought the rod first, balanced it, then went and bought the reel. I've never heard of anyone test casting reels before, but a good shop should be able to say what reels would suit a rod best.

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  3. Hello Bron,

    I've had the same problem. A couple years ago I bought a 6wt and assumed that the 5/6 reel I already had would work but it was too light. I did what I read online, which was to balance the rod over the back of a chair where you hold the rod, tie a small baggie to the rod where the reel would sit and start adding pennies to the bag till the rod balances. After checking on line, depending on manufacturer, there were 4/5 reels and also 7/8 reels that would work. I ended up buying another 5/6, just heavier.

  4. Hello Sean,

    To me, what's important is understanding that going with a two handed rod is a specific style of fishing. The whole system was developed for swinging flies and covering water. For example, a person I know got into the two handed game, but has since gone back to his single hand rod as he prefers to stand in one spot, toss a nymph rig and then move on to the next spot. Myself, I really enjoy the cast, swing, step down style of fishing so don't use a single hand rod much anymore. You can fish all types of flies and multi fly rigs with a two hander, and it all works, but it's basically all swinging. As for gear, I use a 12' 5wt and find it's a good happy medium. Cheers.

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