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Posts posted by cj6530

  1. Please.





    I'm not saying it is without issues here. In my particular circumstance, it could be argued that I am better off in the US from a health care perspective. My company covered me really well. But not everyone is as lucky as I am. However, it's not just about me. Getting sick should never bankrupt anyone. As long as a big percentage of the population cannot afford health care in the US, the system needs to be overhauled.



    Much better reply the second time. Refuting a study with another study is far more effective than the down syndrome garbage.

    Quotes from your study:



    Pick your poison I guess.




    So, in essence he is saying that you MAY have better access to care in the US.


    Interesting read. Not sure that it presents that strong a case for either side. Actually, it presents a case for a dual system, but nobody in either country really wants to talk about that.



    The Down Syndrome point was garbage but so was you point in regards to the stats you presented.....just that yours were less obvious to those that do not understand how your stats related to the topic of quality health care. In regards to what system is better.......I agree that we will never agree. I personally would rather have a few people going bankrupt over health care costs but in return my child is one of the few extra who lives instead of dies because of low birth weight. I do not need the government being my nanny.

  2. Life expectancy:

    US-male 73, female 80

    Can-male 78, female 83


    Infant mortality, per 1000 births




    Can vs US Health Care Spending


    A couple of quotes:





    I don't know anything about the EPI (source of the health care spending numbers), so I can't vouch at all to the accuracy of their numbers. But I do know from watching debates in the US that the spend in the US is far higher than Canada, and for the extra buck you get lower life expectancy and more infant mortality. Good return on investment, eh? And I know that demographics are far different in the two countries, and that does impact both the life expectancy and infant mortality numbers. You would have to research over time to see if the US extra spend really is impacting these numbers positively in relation to Canada or any other single pay system. But I have followed this debate for many years now and nothing I have seen leads me to believe it is.


    How does this fit in the context of H1N1? Probably doesn't. Just a bit of diversion.




    read this




    Point is that USA has better care for sick people but yes Americans are less healthy and die quicker than Canadians because they are fat. Americans being fat is a diff argument. The point is that once you are sick in the usa you have a better Mortility rate than in Canada.

  3. Life expectancy:

    US-male 73, female 80

    Can-male 78, female 83


    Infant mortality, per 1000 births




    Can vs US Health Care Spending


    A couple of quotes:





    I don't know anything about the EPI (source of the health care spending numbers), so I can't vouch at all to the accuracy of their numbers. But I do know from watching debates in the US that the spend in the US is far higher than Canada, and for the extra buck you get lower life expectancy and more infant mortality. Good return on investment, eh? And I know that demographics are far different in the two countries, and that does impact both the life expectancy and infant mortality numbers. You would have to research over time to see if the US extra spend really is impacting these numbers positively in relation to Canada or any other single pay system. But I have followed this debate for many years now and nothing I have seen leads me to believe it is.


    How does this fit in the context of H1N1? Probably doesn't. Just a bit of diversion.


    If quality of heath care is based soley on stats than you would be in favor of a Canadian health care policy of aborting all Down Synodrome children. My point is simply that you have no choice or options for health care. You have to take what the government gives you. Why would you want that. You have to follow the course that the Alberta Government sets for you if your child has an illness. Really.......you think that is OK. You don't think that you should have the option to buy some treatment that is only 60% efffective that the Alberta Government does not offer. Really?? Why get a good job in Canada.....You are able to buy a bunch of sleds and drive a new Escalade but your not able to provide the best health care available to a sick family member.

  4. I've spent lots of time in both countries. If you are rich, or work for a company with a great health care plan then you are correct. If neither of those conditions are met, you are not correct (of course that is just my opinion).


    My parents were self employed for a good hunk of their lives. Not poor, but certainly not rich. Dad got prostrate cancer, and survived it for 11 yrs. About 1/2 way through the insurance costs got too much to continue. In the middle of that, mom got breast cancer. She survived it. All their retirement money was spent paying for treatment. Basically, they got sick, then bankrupt.


    My wife is a nurse and has worked in both systems. She far prefers this one. We have a good friend who is a MSc Nurse and has been in hospital admin in both countries. She far prefers this system.


    I just think the US system, as being practiced today, is far too onerous on the middle and bottom of the population. And getting worse.



    Last time I checked a poor healthy 35 year old in Alberta cannot get a colonoscopy to pre screen for colon cancer. My father who is 62 cannot get the procedure because he does not have any history of that cancer in his family. In the USA anyone of any age with insurance can get that cancer pre screen tomorrow if they wish. If you don't have insurance but have $1400 in your pocket you can get one tomorrow as well. My point, is that the level of care in Canada is terrible....but yes it won't bankrupt you if you get ill.....you may not get the best treatment but you will not be broke.

  5. Personally I think our health system is alot better then anywhere else, ever delt with the HMO's in the USA?????


    I find that people that are born in raised in Canada expect certain things when it comes to Health Care, and I agree with them, but to say our health care has gone down the shitter is a bit too much, try the health care system in the USA where if you got money you got health care if you don't its off to the public hospitials which are overcrowed the staff is way over worked.


    And to top it off even if you have Health Issurance in the USA then the HMO's do everything in their power to deniie your claim and make the indiviual pay for it.


    Still think Alberta's health Care System sucks?????? At least it is a thousand times better then anywhere in the states.


    and for Klien taking shots at Stelmach, well you are going to tell me that Stelmach doesn't deserve it? I will admit I do not know alot about politics but I can diffently see that our current goverment is a fish out of bowel with no clear line in what they are wanting to do, all I can see from our current goverment is damage control over their own mistakes just so they can get the votes they need, I wouldn't be surprised one bit that come the election the Wild Rose Party wins, oh by the way, Alberta has not had a good goverment since the days of Preston Manning, in my own opion.



    I have lived in the USA for the last 10 years. You have no idea what you are talking about in regards to USA health care. You are making stuff up. My health care in the USA is much much better than any care offered in Canada. What you don't realise is that the Provincial governments are HMO's. They decide what cancer drugs are offered based on statistical data.

  6. I bet nothing happens to them. I think they should go to jail but......according to Gary Provencher a Ministry of Environment conservation officer they only "could" be facing charges. If the ministry of environment was serious about curbing poaching they would have real enforcement and punishments and would not use language like "could" be charged.

  7. Um.. OK.


    I'm sorry, my comprehension skills mustn't be was they used to... Don't read into people's statements too much. It seemed to be fairly based around the issue of closures to me, and probably also gear (Not sure, but I think using more than one fly isn't legal there?) I can't imagine there are a pile of people on this board who would only choose to follow the regs based on what the fine would be for a particular infraction.


    I am not trying to make a big deal out of this. I think by far most people on this board would read the regs and and are totally commited to conservation. I am not trying to get on my high horse about BC or Alberta. I simply responded to a post that said that you should read the BC regs because the fines are big. This statement implies that the poster does take into account the fine as an influence to read the regs. I didn't read anymore into this and by no means does it imply that anyone else on this board would do that.

  8. Well aren't we a saint. What flippin' difference does it make why you read the regs as long as you do.

    Must be tough to land a fish off that high horse of yours....sheesh. :ridemcowboy:


    I am not a saint. It makes a big difference why you read the regs. If you read the regs based on the size of the fine that would imply varibilityof compliance based on the size of the fine and or your income relative to the fines. In short, if the fine was small and or your income was large you would have less reading of the regs. Sooooooo.......reading the regs based on the size of fine would imply less much less than 100% of people choosing to read the regs. Do you follow the logic?

  9. I saw an episode of the fishing show with the two dudes from down around there, I think it was four seasons on the Columbia. Anyway they were fishing streamers on the edge of riffles where they dropped into deep holes, using black wooly buggers if I'm not mistaken. As far as the other two rivers I think they have some unique regs and closures so read up. Don't want to get busted in BC, as an Albertan they'll max out the fine.


    In BC we read the regs for reasons of fish conservation not because of the size of the fine.

  10. I used to fish the Fallen Timber hard many years ago. I always did well on small caddis and adams patterns. You definately have to walk it to find the prime spots. I often used the Hopper/dropper combo but would mainly catch on the dropper with that system. The biggest brown I have ever caught came from from that river 23 inch....my fishing parter landed a 24inch. I didnt believe the hype until I saw the huge browns with my own eyes. Also the river can seem frustrating at first as you need to change flys often to what is working and also use light tippet.

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