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Everything posted by scooby2001

  1. Hmm..well the "Best" is a fairly subjective concept. That being said, I have been a loyal Fish Tales customer for years now. Personally, I have never had anything but the best service and great advice from that shop. Dave and Nancy really know how to look after their customers.
  2. Hello all! I am heading out to my parents place on a nice big lake with plenty of large and small mouth bass. (full access to a nice fishing boat to boot!) I am going to bring my 8 wt along with a heavy-sinking line and a floating line. This lake is fairly shallow (30 ft at its deepest) and has lots of weeds. Any tips on technique, fly selection etc...? I tried a couple years ago with no success. Thanks for any input! GregA
  3. Hey Rusty! Yup....went back tonight. No luck! Such is life.
  4. Hello all! Floated the bow on Monday....left my pontoon boat anchor on the bank at the parking area near the top of the oxbow.....(the first little channel on the west side of the bank just big enough to float a pontoon boat down) If you happend across it, I'd appreciate if you left a message here! Next one, I'm painting lime green! Thanks! GregA
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