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  1. Thank you very much I will surely do so...
  2. Thank you everyone for filling out the survey I really appreciate your help. I have so far obtained over 1,200 responses from around the world, and I am analyzing them at the moment. I will post my findings here as soon as possible
  3. Thank you very much I am trying to obtain the views of recreational anglers worldwide, so I would really appreciate your responses
  4. Thank you very much My name is Nishikant Gupta This study is being funded through a Scholarship from King's College London, UK.
  5. Dear All, I am a PhD student at the Geography Department of King's College London, UK. In collaboration with the Mahseer Trust, UK (www.mahseertrust.org), I am trying to understand the level of environmental awareness and conservation support within the recreational fishing community, for which I have developed an online questionnaire. The questionnaire takes no more than five minutes to complete and all respondents will be contributing to an international drive to raise awareness of the conservation benefits of sustainable sport angling worldwide. The link to the questionnaire is: http://goo.gl/pSYxQ0 Would it be possible for you to please assist me by participating in this study?
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