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Everything posted by matt12003

  1. pretty big lake actuallly, im from the area, these guys have been pulling 20+ lbers for a long time, my dad has been trying to follow them to their "spot" for about 4-5 years now, nice fish and i give them all the credit, but keep in mind my folks say they dont own a boat but do own scuba gear.
  2. i recommend the delphi mifi XM radio , its like a big ipod, comes with car kit, home stereo kit, a portable antenna to listen wherever you want, and an available ghetto blaster to bring camping and such, works great , you can also store hours of music and replay back whenever, most other systems you need antennas and power, but this one has rechargable battery and can go anywhwhere, i listen at work and in my ice fishing shack, as for xm vs. sirus , main difference is sports XM carries all hockey games and all baseball games, sirius i believe carries NFL and basketball and CFL i think, both have comparable music channels , i find sirius beter for underground and alternative and XM better for country, and classic rock
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