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Everything posted by yakfisher

  1. Sorry if I am asking this too soon, but I just landed in town from Ontario for a wedding and I am curious if there is anything within a 3 hour drive that is fishable? Thanks.
  2. I just landed in town and brought my rod just in case. Is there any water within a 3 hour drive that is fishable?
  3. redneck ass? can you understand the language he is using. I stumbled on this post accidentally (I have used this site once before) and I could see very quickly that Copper is probably quite educated or at the least very worldly. His standpoint is actually very forward and the opposite of "redneck". A global population, global government and a global economy is starting to become what this planet needs. it is very apparent when you look at different native populations around the world that stick to prehistoric customs that they are damaging and archaic and need to go. I pose this question to you. What do you think of the clubbing of a baby seal in the arctic? Or the de-finning of sharks and throwing them back in the water just so the fins can be harvested for soup in chinese culture? or cannibalism in Amazonian tribes, or the hunting of whales, or the killing of dolphins? I can go on and on with all of the terrible things being done on this planet in the name of "traditional customs". I agree that you should never forget your heritage and keep the customs alive that make a person unique in this quickly shrinking planet. but when these customs have impacts on the health of the ecosystem or the population as a whole, it isn't relevant in our society and needs to be abolished. Also as he has said, every culture throughout time has been oppressed in some way. I am scottish, my home lands were occupied by the british for hundreds of years where they raped and pillaged our lands and stole taxes from us that they didn't deserve (I learnt that from watching Braveheart lol). Or How about african americans? if you want to talk about the most recent reppression of a race, they are it. Are they fighting for tax breaks, recieving free education from the government. No, of course they aren't. Modern society owes nothing to these cultures that were damaged ages ago, like copper said; Laws are for all men or no one. my rant is done now too.
  4. I checked the regs and have followed them correctly. the elbow from the falls to the resevoir is open till halloween. and the bow is open till carseland.
  5. thanks for your help
  6. So, Im here in calgary visiting family, I leave on tuesday and have already been out on the water a few times. twice on the bow and twice on the elbow. in probably 15 hours of fishing, I have had only one strike and i couldnt hook up. I talked to someone at a fly shop and he suggested i stay with small dry flies, midges, mosquitos, etc. I have also read on a few sites that I should nymph instead. I have been using a 2lb tippet and do my best to cast accurately and softly to the few rising fish I have seen. basicly, I just want to know what I am doing wrong, if anyone has any tips for me, etc I really dont want to go back home to ontario with a skunk. HELP
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