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Posts posted by Bowfloat

  1. I never once changed a post to fit my theory. Perhaps you should reread every word, such as "if it works" in the quote from your post 2 posts ago...


    35 bucks. That's approx 70 dollars per hour or more on any float, and a lot more for floats like glen to police...


    It's no wonder I feel stupid everytime I post on this forum, doesn't seem to matter the topic or the fact that it's my own opinion, someone will jump on ya...What a giant waste of time


    Good luck Jay



    I am sorry if you feel stupid everytime you post, this is the first time I have disagreed with you. Maybe it is because of your opinion that you find people that are not of the same thought as you. Thats what a discussion board is for "to discuss different opinions".


    So being the words you wrote "if it works" is the excuse for you when you do not to like your numbers.


    Bcube I wish you would drop your rates so I could afford you but, you want to make a living just as the shuttlers so instead I will use someone that is more affordable to my wallet.


    This is the same thing you should do. Don't like the price shop somewhere else.



  2. I have to say that you are far off base, or at least not understanding how the shuttle companies make themselves more efficient.


    The drivers will have the keys for the vehicles at Glenmore, Police and Mac, allowing them to use the Client Vehicle as their OWN shuttle service to get to the next take out. Therefore, the "shuttle bus" only has to do one round trip to Glenmore to Carseland and back (if the trips were optimally managed). They do not have the shuttle van go to glenmore, then to policemens, then to mac, etc if they can avoid it. I know that when i'm putting in at mac, i'm not getting moved until they move someone elses down from Police..


    Another fact is that most shuttle companies, the drive of the shuttle van IS the owner of the company. Therefore his wage is the profit..


    Sorry to get us so off topic, however anyone that makes their living all summer on guiding, understands why the shuttle prices are hard to swallow. I can make my lunches from scratch, buy gas at certain locations, tie my own flies to save myself some money. Any time i could save money on shuttles, i'll take it



    Bcube yes I do know how they work as I have used Bow river shuttles and I found they were worth every penny.


    I used your numbers not mine, now you don't like those numbers and cloud the post up with a best case senarios.


    I asked you again: just out of curiosity what do you feel would be an acceptable price to pay 2 responsible people to shuttle your truck and trailer to a designated spot making sure your truck and trailer is safely locked up and in the best parking spot available at said spot.




  3. How many shuttle companies are running with only 1 driver and 1 shuttler?

    None that I know of. Most have full vans, shuttling over 5 vehicles per stop (if theres that many that day..). If it works, they can drop off the drivers at Glenmore and pick them up at Carseland.


    Being conservative with 4 drivers, that's 12 shuttles at $50 (or more) for a 120-130 km round trip... So the company has made 600 bucks. And that would be a slow day most of the summer.


    So am I really that far off base?


    Guiding is not making anyone rich, so every extra dollar in pocket at the end of the season is one I'd like. Shuttles are pretty well equivalent to MORE than gas per trip for me.... That's serious dough when added up.. I know almost most any guide would switch shuttle companies if it saved them a bit of money each day.. or at least the ones that depend on guiding for their living


    I do not know if there is any 1 man and 1 driver as you say that are strictly a shuttle service but I do know of companies that offer other related services that will shuttle and are just that 2 people.

    I would imagine that the weekends are a good payday as they are for the company I am referring to.


    But there are the days which have only a couple of trips and those are the days where the client does not show up on time and then takes a 45 minutes to off load and finally let you take there vehicle.


    Now using your numbers of 4 shuttlers making 3 trips the company would make 600 dollars.


    First you forgot about the 3 round trips the shuttle bus makes as well as the driver of that shuttle bus. How much fuel is used on those 3 round trips in that van and the driver must be paid.

    So out of the 600 the company makes it has to pay 4 drivers for at least by your numbers appox. 6 hours pay.

    The company must then pay fuel, insurance and wear and tear of that shuttle bus for those 3 trips.

    Now there is a thing called taxes on top of all that.


    So using from your post again Am I that far off base.


    ccube just out of curiousity what do you feel would be an acceptable price to pay 2 responsible people to shuttle your truck and trailer to a designated spot making sure your truck and trailer is safely locked up and in the best parking spot available at said spot.


    My appoligies Jayhad for the post going off your original idea which I believe is a good topic of discussion.

  4. So a guide who only does wade and walks and isn't not Bow-centric how would he be regulated? This wouldn't solve the out of province guides working the foothills.



    I have no conclusive ideas how or even if it could regulate Walk and Wades other than.


    To put the onis on to the renter to do his homework and ask questions to make sure you are hireing a professional "Guide". One that does not just do Walk and Wades but ownes and operates a Licenced Guide Boat.


    If your complaint is that would be too much trouble than too bad for you. You get what you deseve.


    I am sure no matter what is brought in there will still be thousand of BC guides coming into the foothills stealing food from your plate Jayhad.

  5. Like many have posted there can never be an association that could/would be able to govern itself.


    I am of the view that instead of licensing the " guide " you license the boat used.

    This licensed boat would have to requirement to be able to be licensed.


    1- the boat would have to have the companies name on both sides big enough to read from either bank, shore or what ever.

    Failing to have that you would be fined 5000 dollars. This would keep the wanna bee's from being a guide. It would also allow people to report infractions because you can see who there are.

    2- the licensed boat would have all the necessary safety equipment ie: first aid kit that was not purchased at Princess Auto for $5.95

    Not having a complete or unapproved equipment would be a $1000 fine. Boat would be subject to inspections at any time on the water or at the launch.

    3- You are a guide from BC no problem is your boat a licensed Alberta guide boat. No that's a $5000 fine

    4- Boat insurance as a licensed guide boat, no insurance guess what $1000 fine


    I could go on but I believe there are others that might have some more ideas on this.

    You would not have wanna bee's simply because they will not be interested in guiding when they have to put more effort into than it is worth if you are a part timer/wanna bee or just an ahole with a boat hoping to help with a couple of payments on said boat.


    Just an opinion and it was free, so take it as so.


    PS: There was a post about the cost of shuttles which I thought was not completely thought out, if you feel it cost to much to have 2 responsible people drive your vehicle and trailer to your get out spot maybe you should consider starting your own shuttle service to see just how much profit there is after paying these two responsible people and the fuel, wear and tear on the return vehicle.

  6. The frame does look similar to quite a few different boats but the pontoon pvc material is what is different to me. The back end of the frame is different then most also. From what I have seen on the pictures I have found of it the back of the frame has a small wire basket and the tubing is just open ended with no motor mount or anything.


    I am hoping I can get some information from the place that handed them out as prizes so I know what kind of weight capacity it can carry and where I can replace some of the missing pieces.


    I would also like to add a motor mount so I can cruise around on some lakes and ponds.


    You got an inexpensive pontoon boat which was manufactured in China.

    Do not waste any more time trying to get replacement parts make your own.


    The capacity depend on the size of the pontoons, if your pontoons are 16 inches in height you should be good for 275 lbs.


    As for adding a motor it depends on the capacity of the pontoons.


    Electric motor- 40lbs

    Battery- 50lbs

    You- ? lbs

    Frame, paddles, storage bags and the frame refab- ? lbs

  7. I wear and encourage everyone on any type of water body to always wear a PFD and like most I have my personal preference.


    I had a serious want more than an actual need for a manual inflating PFD when they started to become a little lower in price. ( as if they ever did) I did finally get one but as time went by I found the same stupid need for the auto-inflating PFD again I got one.


    With the snot covered rocks on the Bow River right now, I have gone back to a foam filled livery style of PFD. If I slip and fall the foam filled PFD will help to cushion the fall not to mention not being worried that my inflatable doesn't get punctured as I float down the river trying to recover.


    Fins are great right up until like 420Flyfishin posted when you need to get up and land the boat or the fish or both.

  8. I spoke with the Executive Director of the Parks Foundation, which is the lead organization on the project, about a month ago as I needed the most up to date information for the Lower Bow River Waterproof Mapbok. According to her, the passage is complete but has to undergo hydro testing and an eduction program before it is open to the public. The date of expected opening is 2012.



    This year alone they have giving 3 new expected dates of opening.


    I would like nothing better than to be wrong in my expected date of opening as I started a business around the idea of the weir being open to the public.

  9. If I give the source I will not have one.


    Yes there are people going over the weir but that does not mean it OK to do so.


    When has the City of Calgary not done something with good intentions, only to find out the planning part does not met there expectations or reality.



  10. The testing that was performed has proven there needs to be considerably more work done to the passage. It has raised new liability concerns for the City of Calgary.


    The problems cannot be addressed until this winter at the earliest.


    My bet is it will not be opened to the public until 2013 if at all.





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