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Posts posted by Giovanne

  1. Dont forget the SJW, probably your most used fly on the bow and it's super easy to tie. Got to FT buy some wire, some size 4-8 Daiichi 1870s, wrap the wire, no thread just simplicity


    Don't confuse a wire worm with a fly.


  2. i realize this is a fly fishing board but i think the problem of etiquette and lack of consideration is simply widespread through our me-me-me, i want it now society......pretty much any activity from fishing to hiking to hunting to driving to shopping to.....well you get the idea.....



    Yup, you hit the nail on the head. Instant info, instant gratification, no one wants to work for it, henceforth the resource is not as valued when you don't have to "work for it". Human nature is not to value something you did not have to work for. Etiquette follows suit..

  3. Mike, not sure how feasible this suggestion is, but any way you can take it apart, strip it and redo it?! I have a feeling you'll be waiting a very long time and it might be faster to redo it!!




    You're giving painting advise? <--poke--<



    Nice Pram Tungsten!

    I have used a pram on some of the BC pothole lakes, great solo fishing platform, beats a pontoon!

  4. Only bitch i have is why do people have to unload there boat at police when theres 2 boats there already?Can they not wait for at least one of them to leave?


    Maybe it will remind said 2 boats already at the launch that it is in fact a boat launch. A launch is not an area to get the boat prepared, tie on flies, untangle your 3 fly nymph rig, strap down boat, inflate/deflate pontoons, hook up anchor, put rods together, disassemble rods, put on waders, place oars in oar locks, load boat with the days essentials, etc...


    I say the above a bit tongue in cheek as I know guys have to go and fetch their vehicle, but really way to much *hit goes down at the launch that should happen away from the launch in the parking lot.


    Oh, and I love the dudes that give the pissed off glare that fish just above the launches as you float through their "run"

  5. Nick,


    Just incase you didn't know the poilce have a zodaic with a jet on it as they potrol the bow river in the summer from it, remeber when all the drunk rafters where getting tickets, it was calgary poilce that was doing that.


    CPS zodiac is too busy dealing with the rafters on the Elbow kowtowing to the multi millionaires who own the big shacks along the river to deal with the odd complaint from anglers along the Bow. No houses along the Bow in the South, and the residents that are close are use to the Fire guys joy riding all summer in their jetboat not to notice the different noise of a jet ski or an outboard jet leg on a boat.


    its obvious that bilaw, cps, fire dont give a *hit about this. I see it ll the time, especially close to the city limits where I fish.


    Its called picking the low hanging fruit and this certainly aint it!

  6. Yeah my 1st exp. at FTs was about the same... I did give them another chance however and they have come through for me on several occasions. Same goes with CPs and BRTFs - I've had mostly good exp. with both of those shops, but the odd time you get someone that is an idiot, or is having a bad day... It's important to develop a relationship with the employees at the shops as they can make your experiences worthwhile!!It's good to have a choice - that's capitalism!P


    Do you think the experience is mutual when dealing with the legendary "uberflie"? Your interweb persona is getting the best of you. laffin out loud on this one...


    Generally speaking my best retail experiences are at fly shops. Says sumpthin', doesent it?


    You dudes sure love to whine.

  7. "No it was from outdoor enthusiasts that didn't like the fishing/outdoor (mountain) recreation comparison with an underlying cruelty to animals message..."


    You are being polite by calling them outdoor enthusiasts. Most that get caught up in protesting stuff like this are the lazy hippy pothead crowd that look the part, but most have never done much in the outdoors. That is unless you consider 3 guys living out of a 1989 Toyota Corrola at the local rest area and heating soup on the manifold camping..

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