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  1. I don't know what the name of it is.I made it up last night,but I'm sure I've something like it or close to it somewhere else.It's just deer body hair,craft foam,rubber hackle,yellow thread.I running very low on material right now,so I'm just playing around with what I got.
  2. Thanks Never really thought got the foam making it hard for the fish to take.Will have to try the extended body and see what it looks like.I really wasn't following any pattern.Probably saw it somewhere though.
  3. This is my first try with foam and hopper pattern, any commets would be helpful.
  4. Thats the Wallace river
  5. One from last year.Same spot as the second photo, but the tide is out
  6. Just playing around with resizing photos, here a couple from today.Just checking out the river before the season opens
  7. River etiquette is a lot of common sense, but alot of time different river/fish have different etiquette.Here (NS) on salmon rivers this can sometimes be a big issue.I new too fly fishing and am glad I ran into some veterns that showed me the ropes.
  8. Thanks for the links.Will have to try a few of those around here
  9. I've been tying muddler with a rabbit strip today.I need a little more practice spinning deer,but my muddlers are sarting to look like I knew what I was doing
  10. Are Muddler a good option for the Bow river,here they are used for pretty much everything from salmon to stripers.
  11. Thanks for the tips everyone,should be a good start to planning a trip
  12. I think I'll have to bring a couple of different rods with.So many fish and places to fish,so little time
  13. Do grayling take standard trout flies or do I need to tie up different box?
  14. Never hooked any strange animals,but last year I hook a dry bag from a tipped canoe.Tried to hook the half a dozon beer that float by but missed.
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